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The next day I was awakened by Oliver. The alpha had left for work early. I feel slightly relieved to hear that. I'm quite intimidated by Zelos and still can't grasp the fact that he's my mate. After I get ready I follow Oliver into the dining room. Breakfast is already ready on the long table. I take a seat across from the beta. We have a brief conversation while I eat my food. Oliver explains to me that he has already eaten.

After breakfast, Oliver leads me around the gigantic house. I'm sure I will get lost even though all the rooms have been shown to me. Everything is decorated in the same style of furniture and accents. It's very beautiful. Each room is very spacious. One of the towers is an overwhelming library. There is even a secretary there to keep track of everything.

'Does Zelos like to read?' I ask interestedly as I look at a few books. Oliver laughs softly. 'No. He hates reading.' He must have had so much space left over that he didn't know what to do with it. I flip through a book that looks like it might be fun. 'Do you want to borrow it?' Oliver takes it from me and looks at it curiously. 'Looks like fun.' I nod at his question and we go past the secretaries.

Then we continue our way to the garden. The last place in the area I haven't seen yet. First we walk through a rose arch. I stare my eyes out over the colorful roses. The arch ends after a few yards and it flows into a floral paradise. In the middle of all the flowers is a cute little terrace. 'It's so beautiful in here!' I exclaim. Oliver tells a bit about the flowers and plants that can be found there.

Then we walk along a stone path along which a river flows. I hear frogs croaking and splashing in the water. We emerge at a swimming pool. There are umbrellas and loungers along it. 'It's far too cold to swim now, but we have the indoor pool for that.' I nod at him. The indoor pool was already very impressive, but this one is even more beautiful because of the surroundings.

Finally, there's an open lawn with a large greenhouse. 'He really likes plants.' I mumble to myself. Oliver nods. 'Yes, he inherited that love from his mother.' My heart starts beating faster at the thought of meeting his parents.

After the tour, Oliver has to get to work so I decide to go to the music room. There are many instruments placed in the room. About most of them I have no idea how to play them, but with the piano I am familiar. I take a seat behind a light blue piano. It shimmers in the sunlight. I stroke the smooth material used to design the instrument. This one must have been very expensive, this is some great quality.

I carefully let my fingers dance across the keys as I think about what I would play. A few notes echo through the room. The sound is graceful and floating. What a beautiful sound! I begin to play a song that Amira taught me. I am so absorbed in playing that I don't notice someone walking into the room.

I am startled when I suddenly see a woman appear in the corner of my eye. A few false notes shoot out of the piano, but even those sound beautiful. I stop playing the piano and look at the woman. She has long, jet black hair. Her light blue eyes look straight through me. She has a very refined face. There is not a speck on her skin.

She frowns with her perfectly tweezed eyebrows. 'Who are you?' Her voice sounds as brilliant as her appearance. A hint of disapproval can be detected. 'Ash.' I swallow and look around nervously. I didn't expect to run into anyone here. She walks a circle around the piano, letting her nails tap the wood. 'Ash...' My name rolls smoothly over her tongue. 'And what are you doing here?' she takes a seat alongside me.

Her outfit matches the piano. She wears a light blue dress. It wraps tightly around her slender upper body and spreads out downward. There is a pattern in the top bodice and it's slightly see-through . I redly avert my gaze. She has clearly noticed and her gaze slides down my body in response as well. I'm just wearing a simple, gray tracksuit.

'I'm staying here for a while.' I muster with difficulty. She still doesn't seem satisfied with that answer and asks further, 'Why? It's not often that someone stays here. Unless it's for business, but I don't suspect that's the case with you.' She gives my clothes a sour look. 'No, you're right about that.' I say softly. 'The thing is, I'm the alpha's mate.'

Her eyes grow large and soon after, her gaze turns dark. If looks could kill I'd be dead. 'What?' She exclaims. All friendliness, if there was any at all, has disappeared from her demeanor. 'Zelos is MY mate.' She begins to scream and stands up as if stung by a bee. 'Someone like you could never be Zelos's mate.' She laughs bitterly. Her arms are waving in all directions. 'Ridiculous!'

She storms out of the room, but stops in the doorway. 'What is it you need? Money? Sex? Someone to brag about? Tell me! Tell me!' She shouts out. I look at her with wide eyes. Where did this outburst suddenly come from? 'I think this is a misunderstanding.' She shakes her head wildly. 'What do you want?' She starts walking towards me with her finger outstretched. Right in front of me she comes to a stop.

'Nothing. I don't want anything. Do you think I came here by myself?' She looks up in surprise. She clearly didn't expect me to say anything back. 'Why would Zelos bring me here with the whole story of me being his mate when he already has one!' Her eyes narrow. 'You don't smell it?' I roll my eyes and explain briefly.

After the story, she starts laughing out loud. 'Wow. You think he wants a failure like you?' I have the urge to slap her. She sniffs her nose and turns away from me. 'You'll be hearing about this, Ash.' And then she disappears into the hallway.

What a bitch.

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