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The car drives into a bumpy dirt road. Oliver looks ahead frowning. Sighing, he says, 'If Zelos does anything that makes you uncomfortable you can come to me. I'll show you my room.' I nod nervously at him and bite my lip hard. He looks at me a few times with a concerned expression.

In the distance, I can see a roof protruding above the trees, but not the rest of the house. I taste blood in my mouth. After the conversation with the alpha, I was taken by Oliver to go to his house. I have no idea why. All kinds of situations haunt my mind. No one has told me exactly what is going on. All I know is that I won't be going home for a while.

Oliver drives the car through a massive iron gate. It opens onto a circular driveway with a large fountain in the middle. The house towers high above us. I look open-mouthed at the structure. It looks like an old castle. Ivy climbs high up along the light brick walls, surrounding large white windows up to the gray roof. There are two large towers on either side of the building.

The car is parked. We get out together. Oliver soon reappears by my side. 'I'll take you to Zelos.' I nod and follow him as he begins to walk toward the house.

The inside of the house is even more beautiful than the outside. Everything is very spacious. The walls are cream colored and there are many gold accents. There are plants everywhere and the house is decorated with royal furniture. The color green seems to return often, a dark shade of green. The decor is very light with lots of color and decoration. I did not expect this at all from our alpha.

I am escorted into a large living room. It has soft, dark green seats. In front of it is a fireplace with the same gold accents found throughout the house. There is a rug placed under the seats. On the right side is a chess table and on the left side the entire wall is covered with a bookcase. There are also many plants in this room.

Oliver tells me to sit down. Then he walks away and proclaims that he won't be gone long. I carefully sit down on one of the seats. The fabric is silky soft. I gently stroke it with my fingers. This house is a dream, isn't it? I think to myself. I look out through the windows. It looks into the garden. 'It's so big too.' I mutter. It's impossible to see the garden in its entirety through just these windows.

'Do you like the house?' I hear behind me. Startled, I turn to the voice. It's Zelos. His eyes pierce mine and I immediately avert my gaze. 'Yes, it's beautiful.' He chuckles softly. 'Good. It's your new home.'

'What do you mean?' I look at him confused. 'Ash.' He comes and sits next to me. He leaves half a foot between us. 'You know that, don't you?' He smiles gently at me. I briefly glance at his sharp teeth. 'Is this a joke?' I slide a little more against the corner of the seat. Zelos frowns and the smile falls from his lips. Now it's his turn to look confused.

It remains silent for a long minute. 'Of course not. What makes you think that?' His voice sounds a tad uncertain, but I don't understand why. He slowly slides a little closer. His hand grips mine, but I immediately pull it free and stand up startled. 'Why else would I be here?' I exclaim.

Then Oliver enters the room. He crosses his arms. 'What's going on?' He looks at the alpha with a stern expression as if he is the one above him, when in fact it's the opposite. Zelos ignores him. He gets up from the seat. 'Don't you smell it then?' Oh god. It won't, will it? My eyes widen. A nervous laugh escapes my lips. I wobble nervously on my legs. 'Uh...the thing is.' I stammer. 'I can't smell.'

The two men both stare at me stunned. Oliver breaks the silence, 'A wolf that can't smell?' I nod and turn my gaze to the ground in shame. A wolf that can't smell, there he says it. It's a curse to be born with. I can't hunt, can't smell the borders of our territory, let alone know that I've met my mate. My father has always seen me as a failed pup and my mother has only pity. It's as if I can't be a worthy wolf without a sense of smell.

'So you really have no idea why you're here?' Zelos asks. I shake my head. He exchanges a look with Oliver. As I stand up I am confronted with the heavy feeling of my body. My head is throbbing a little from the long day. I am exhausted. I look wearily at the two. Can't they just tell me what's going on?

Zelos's gaze softens when he notices. Then he overwhelms me with the answer I've been waiting for for an hour. 'You're my mate.' I look from him to Oliver and back. 'Oh wow.' Is all I can muster. Oliver nods, Zelos just looks at me expectantly, but I have no idea what else to say.

'It's late.' Says Oliver. 'Maybe we'd better get some sleep. I'll give you a tour tomorrow when Zelos is at work.' He makes a gesture for me to follow him. We walk up the wide staircase that can be found in the middle of the hall. I feel like I have to drag myself up the stairs. When we finally reach the top he says, 'The first room on the right is my room. If there' s anything you come to me.' He points to the door, I nod to let him know I will remember.

'That won't be necessary.' Hums Zelos. I didn't realize he had run after us. 'Good night you two.' Oliver walks down the hallway waving. I watch in surprise as he disappears into his room. Where am I supposed to sleep?

'Are you coming? I turn to the voice of, apparently, my mate. 'We're sleeping together.'

the alpha's mate [English version]Where stories live. Discover now