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The moment his scent filled my nostrils I knew for sure. It smelled like roses and lavender, it was like I was floating on a soft cloud. It had to be him.

'Please, alpha.' A servant offers me a drink. I roll my eyes, it's like they don't know my name. I grab it with a fake smile. Impatiently, my gaze slides to the door. My view, however, is blocked by Oliver, my beta.

Every alpha of a pack has a beta, the right hand man as it were. They go with me to every meeting and gathering. The beta supports his alpha in everything he does and especially helps with taking some work of his shoulders.

I look at my beta frowning and he looks back with even more disapproval. 'What are you up to in the first place?' Asks Oliver sighing. He takes his nose bridge between two fingers and massages it with his eyes closed. 'I'm going to take him home.' His eyes fly open again.

'Are you crazy?' He exclaims. A few servants look our way with shocked looks. They are used to the fact that if someone uses a tone like that against me they're thrown out immediately. At worst, not only out of the building, but out of the pack as well. Oliver is lucky that something like that would not happen to him. The day that would happen I will be long gone. He is not only my beta, but also my best friend.

We grew up together, worked side by side and trained for these positions. I would have been given the title of alpha anyway, by my parents, but I had to train myself to be a worthy alpha, otherwise I would not have been accepted by the pack. Oliver has proven himself to me time and time again. I trust him and only him with my life He is worthy to be my beta, my right hand and if something were to happen to me I would be only too happy to hand over my title to him.

'The alpha's mate is supposed to go with him immediately to live together.' I say to Oliver. He makes an annoyed noise and turns away from me. 'I think that's a ridiculous rule.' Sighing, he settles down on a chair. Then the doors open, the moment I've been waiting for. The sweet aroma of my mate pours into the room. A tingle spreads through my lower abdomen as I get a look at his gorgeous appearance. He is so beautiful.

I love his gray, tousled hair.
I love his blue eyes.
I love his refined face.
I love his pale skin.
I love his small nose and ears.
I love his small stature.

In front of the desk he comes to a stop. He stands nervously wobbling on his legs. A reaction I often see from my subjects, but he is much more than that. I see him visibly swallow under my sharp gaze. I slowly examine him from head to toe, taking no effort to hide it. Then I grant him my warmest smile. 'Hello beautiful, tell me your name.' I hear Oliver cough past me. I ignore Oliver and wait for his reply.

'My name is Ash, sir.' He points his gaze to the ground out of politeness. 'You don't have to use that formal tone with me, Ash.' He slowly turns red and stammers softly. 'Ash, I brought you here for a reason of course.' He nods softly. He is clearly convinced that he has done something wrong. 'You're coming home with me today.' Ash suddenly looks me straight in the eye. 'What did you say?'

the alpha's mate [English version]Where stories live. Discover now