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My phone vibrates aggressively under my pillow. I immediately jump up. While I'm still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I pull the thing out from under the pillow, it's Oliver. Half asleep I push the green button. I almost fall back asleep when it's silent for a moment. Then my beta's voice rings out. 'You need to get up.' He says briskly. I turn onto my back. The seat is comfortable, but not exactly good for sleeping on. I can hear my back cracking under me.

My gaze wanders across our room as I ask a question to Oliver. 'What's on the agenda today?' My voice sounds hoarse from sleep. On our bed, I see Ash sleeping peacefully. His face looks like an angel's. 'There has been a report from the territory guards, so a meeting has been arranged at 9 o'clock. The pack's monthly statistics are to be discussed at 1 and your parents are coming tonight.' I sigh and place a hand on my forehead. Another busy day.

Wait? My parents? 'What did you say last?' I ask coughingly. Oliver makes a plaintive noise on the other end of the line. 'Your parents are coming today. They heard the news.' I sit up straight. It's quiet for a while. I look at the time, it's eight o'clock. 'Is Ash ready for that?' Oliver then mutters. I frown my eyebrows. 'I have no idea.' Then I hang up.

I was just starting to bond with Ash. Last night was fantastic. It's been a long time since I've felt this good. My gaze slides over his face. Deep down inside my stomach a fear builds. I hope my parents won't ruin anything.

Ash murmurs something in his sleep and turns over. He's probably dreaming. I get up and walk into the bathroom. On autopilot I get ready for the day. When I walk back into my room I discover that Ash is awake. He is silently reading a book. So he likes that boring stuff.

'Hello.' I greet him softly. He is apparently startled by my voice. 'Oh Hey, I thought you'd already left.' I shake my head and carefully sit down by him on the bed. 'My parents are coming today.' I tell him. He starts shuffling around the bed and nods. He's clearly nervous. 'I'm sure it'll be fine.' I assure him, even though I'm not at all sure.

I still invite him for breakfast, but he declines this offer. 'Okay, I'm busy today, but I'll be there at five.'

the alpha's mate [English version]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora