Chapter 3: The Light Realm

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Another day another time in the Light Castle Aystria thought to herself. It has so far been 3 days since she's been here in the light realm and she honeslty just wants to go home but at the same time she doesn't. Yes she misses her sisters but she kinda like it here more.

What no! What is she saying. She uncovers herself from her bed but than  jumps instantley as she sees James in the chair in the corner of her room. How long has he been here?

"What the heck are you doing here?" She asked and James groaned, awake. Rubbing his eyes from exhaustion.

"Sleeping wbu?" He asked sarcastically.

"Wondering what the hell your doing in my room." She says and James gets up. 

"Well I am in your dorm because Callen ordered me to watch you." He says and she rolls her eyes. Of course he did.

"Great, so you're my bodyguard now?" She asked and James shook his head.

"No I am a guard to make sure you don't do anything you're not supposed to." He tells her and she walks over to the couch sitting down and huffing.

"Fantastic." She says sarcastically than looks up at the ceiling staring off into space. 

"You're bored aren't you?" He asked and she looked at him.

"No, I'm wishing about staying here." She says and he sits across from her.


"Because I don't want to go back, you think I like it there? Hello it's called the Dark Realm for a reason it's basically hell." She says and James nods. 

" I guess, but I'm sorry you have to go back, you don't belong here." He says and she shakes her head standing up and he stands up with her. 

"Huh why? Because we're enemies or because you're afraid of me?" She asked 

"No I'm not afraid of anything." He says and she snorts.

"I highly doubt that." She says and he grabs her wrist to pull her closer to him and she tries to get out of his grip.

"No it's because you're the villain you are supposed to go against us, the Heroes, it is supposed to be evil vs good, it's mine and yours destiny to always fight." He says and Aystria finally gets out of his grip than she punches him and he groans.

"It's not my destiny or yours it is our destiny to never see each other. We were never really enemies until the king of grafthe made it like that. No wonder were always fighting because you never really found out the truth." She tells him and she walks away.

"What are you talking about? The truth about what?" He asked confused.

"2000 years ago before our world was divided into 3 your Kingdom and my Kingdom were created we were unstoppable towards anyone who threatens us. But yout king back than king grafthe made us the villains we fought him one day with his army because they threatened our land threatening to destroy our Kingdom and we were no match once they were done our once beautiful kingdom just like yours today was destroyed And since than it was never the same, your king back then gave us this destiny because in the end he was the one who created this destiny, he was the one who divided the realms, he was the cause of Me and and you always fighting." She tells him and he looks down then back up at her.

"I'm sorry, we never knew." He says feeling so stupid and ebarassed and she nods.

"Yeah I wonder why, just so you can keep your Light Kingdom's reputation and not lose and rule the biggest part of the land. And not lose what we lost." She tells him that she walks to ger closet and he looks down not wanting to believe what Aystria has said. Was she telling the truth? 

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