Chapter 10: The Third Challange

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Aystria stands there frozen again after what Callen and her just did in the hallway. Frozen not knowing what to do. Twice this has happened.

"Are you alright?" James asked her and she jumps turning to face him. And is instantley blushing.

"Yeah I'm fine, should probably get back to the Dinner party." She says moving past James who looks at her oddly. What did he tell her? Was all James wondered.

She made it back to the Dinner party. Sitting down finishing her wine until the Light King stands up and so does everyone else. So Aystria stands with them awkwardly.

"4 competitors left. 1 chance for victory. My Hero and Villians I bid you good luck tomorrow and my son win this competition for our realm." He tells him and Callen nods. Than the Dark King stands up to say something the room starts to be super tense once he does.

"This compitition has been a ride for us all. I can not be more proud for my daughters than I am now. I know one of you will win this for our Realm to finally get back to normal. Good luck my Dark Sister make me proud." The Dark King tells them and the 3 of them bow to him.

"Yes my King." They tell him and he smirks than the Light Kjng nods.

"Now I hope you enjoyed this dinner and again good luck to you 4. And may the best realm win." The Light King says and They all exit the Dinning room to turn in.

"Are you alright Aystria?" James asked again since he notices that something is off with her.

"Yes I'm fine I am just tired, I'll see you tomorrow." She tells him smiling and he smiles slightly back than she walks away.

The truth is she is not okay, she can't believe her and Callen kissed again. She just feels so insecure, awkward, and bubbly inside. What a wired feeling, she just feels sick.
Aystria is sleeping sound asleep in her bed. Until a guard burst into her room.

"C'mon wake up! Time to go." He says and Aystria opens her eyes grianjng than she looks at her clock in her room. 4:30 in the morning. "C'mon time to get ready lets go!"

She hides her head under the pillow not wanting to get up at all. Than the guard grabs her pillow and undoes her covers instantley making her shiver from the cold room.

"Lets go!" He yells in her face and she groans again. "My lady we have to!"

"Okay fine I'm up, jeez this isn't the military sargent." She tells him sarcastically and the guard rolls his eyes than she stands up yawning instantley than she goes to her closet to get her suit on.

After the fun fiasco with the guard she starts walking to the next competition and the Light Kkng wasn't lying it was a series of challanges. Archery (strength) jousting (timing), and potion brewing (knowledge.)

"This looks interesting doesn't it?" Skylar asked Aystria who stands there nodding.

"Yeah don't worry we got this." Aystria says walking to the starting line.

"Yeah but I'm not worried about us.... I'm worried about him." She says pointing at Callen who is talking with James.

"Why him?" Annaleigh asked her.

"Because he doesn't have a chance against us." She tells her and Aystria glances over at her.

"You'd be suprised." She says to Skylar walking away and getting in line for the competition.

"Heroes and Villians welcome to the 3rd competition and as you can see we have some guest to watch your performance. Now you have Archery, a very precise sport, jousting a timing sport, and potion making a sport of knowledge. So lets do Archey first score all 3 arrows on the target and you win miss one and your out of the competition. So lets start." The Light King says and Aystria glances over to Callen as they walk towards archery.

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