Chapter 12: The Truth

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Author note: Hey guys sorry that I haven't published in a while. Have just been a little bit busy. With life as most of us are.

So I just wanted to say thank you for the 200 reads and supporting me with that it really means a lot that more people are reading it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. And as always happy reading.


Aystria stands there waiting for the Kings to admitt her win. Than Callen stands up from being blasted and goes in the circle with Aystria.

"She cheated and got some help from her Sister." Callen says and Aytria rolls her eyes.

"Yes but he used a potion against me to drain my power. Which should be illegal in a competition." She says to the Kings who glance at each other.

"Yeah well your little stunt should have been illegal as well." He says, than him and Aystria start to fight back and forth at each other yelling.

"Excuse me." The Light King says but Aystria and Callen don't hear him as they continue to fight than The Dark King stands up.

"Silent!" He yells and they both stop and look at him than they bow there heads.

"Sir I wish for her to be punished by her actions." Callen says and Aystria glares at him. There's no way she's goong to let him win.

"Yeah well I wish for him to be punished by using a potion for my weakness." She says and the Dark king rolls his eyes. As they start to fight again.

"Stop!" The Dark King yells and they freeze. "Just shut the hell up!"

The Light King stands up wit The Dark King.

"Let's all just relax and let us come to decision." He says and the Hero and Villains nod than stand to talk to there peers while the Kings talk.

"Good job Aystria you did amazing." Skylar says hugging her even though Aystria winces from her pain.

"Yeah even though you cheated." James says and she glares at him.

"Yeah well so did you James remember?" She tells him and he walks away not wanting to talk. Good for him cause nither did she.

"Are you okay you look like your in pain?" Devan asked her and Aystria smirks.

"I'm fine.....and in pain." She admitts than The Kings turn to talk to the Hero's and Villains who all bow.

"It has come to my attention that Callen was the first one to cheat with the help of James by using a potion against there opponent. They cheated and are disqualified." The Light King says looking down in dissapontment and The Dark Sisters smirk than hug each other.

"Which means the Dark Sisters have won!" The Dark King announced and the whole stadium cheers for victory.

Aystria won this competition for her realm, it can finally go back to normal. It can finally look like it used to.

"Well this call for celebration later today we will have a party for your Villains....good job." The Light King says forcing a smile but is actually pained of them winning.

They won, Aystria can't believe that they finally won. They have to tell Annaleigh.
"Really!" Annaleigh exclaimed. "We won!"

"Yeah it means we can finally have everything go back to normal. Our realm is now in power like it was before." Skylar says as they sit there with Annaleigh.

"Wow pur realm can go back to it's former glory." Annaleigh says smiling "Man sounds good to say it."

"Yeah and were going to be celebrating for our victory, will you be coming?" Devan asked as Aystria stands by a window looking out into the sunset.

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