09. Sinners Play As Saints

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"We were overdue
but it'll be over soon"

"We were overduebut it'll be over soon"

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Rosalind felt like she was in a horror movie. One would think things like this wouldn't scare her considering the content in her books. But this place looked haunted. She wrote about serial killers and murderers. Rosalind did NOT mess with ghosts.

The Batman kicked the door open with ease. A layer of dirt and dust fell with it. It was dark, almost pitch black inside. The three of them turned on the flashlights and moved cautiously inside. In their light, they could see WELCOME spray painted onto the wall in front of them. Beside her, Rosalind heard Gordon ready his gun just in case.

"No guns." Batman told him firmly.

"Yeah man," Gordon shook his head. "That's your thing. Be happy I took back my other one from her already."

It was true, Gordon had taken the gun back from Rosalind. He had scolded her about taking an officer's gun yet complimented her on her shooting abilities at the same time.

They headed further into the orphanage. Spray painted arrows on the walls pointed to their path. It was eerily quiet, just the sound of their footsteps and water dripping in the distance.

Rosalind followed closely behind Batman with Gordon bringing up the rear. Rosalind had seen enough movies to know to stay in the middle of the group.

A sudden noise made Rosalind jump. It sounded like someone was nearby.

"What's that?" Gordon asked urgently.

A figure appeared down the hallway in front of them. Instantly, they were in pursuit. The figure ran down the hall and into a dark room. The trio reached it seconds later, shining their lights into it. But all they saw were several dazed and disheveled people looking very confused.

"Dropheads," Gordon huffed.

Rosalind breathed a sigh of relief. Drop addicts were much easier to handle than ghosts. She assumed.

Suddenly, they could hear music playing in the distance. Ave Maria. A chill went down her spine.

"What the hell is that?" Gordon asked.

"Ghost choir practice?" She suggested as they began to follow the sound.

The song ended and applause was heard. They followed the sound to a pair of double doors that were spray painted just like the walls.


"Thank you," A familiar  man's voice said. "Thank you so much. Wasn't that beautiful?"

Batman opened the door to reveal an empty room with a projector in the center. It was on, projecting a video of Thomas Wayne.

"Thank you for coming today," He was saying. "I believe in Gotham. I believe in its promise."

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