Chapter One

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Now what the actual fuck—

"Wake the fuck, mom said come down for breakfast and I'm about two seconds from eating your food and leaving just the cereal and fruit to eat!"

I heard distantly but I think I blacked out because the next thing I heard was the door slamming against the wall

Of- fucking course her dumbass would bust in my room this early in the damn morning.

The door that was flung open, hit the wall and made a loud crash sound continued to sway back and forth leaving a slight creaking sound when swayed back and forth,

illicitly earning a wince from my dry morning lips as I pushed my head deep down to the pillows wishing they soundproofed my ear silent cursing the sea urchin I call my sister that interrupted my calm rest—

Did it work? Nope. And, did that stop me from continuing to try? the answe being no yet again. — you see it's a very complex cycle if you think about and I would explain but I don't feel I like it,

I blinked rapidly trying to clear the blurry vision in my eyes, only to suck my teeth at who I saw

"Davina, what the fuck do you want, and didn't I tell your annoying ass to knock before you come in my room?!" I Groaned, barely lifting my head away from the pillow beneath it, peering open my eyes to see my little sister in the door expectantly.

Why the fuck is she at my door at nine in the morning like she's somebody's mother?

"Hello!, I said it already, mom and dad both sent me up here to wake you up, so here I am telling you the last time to get your skinny ass up and get downstairs before all the food is gone, even though your big ass should have already been up, you know what today is" She practically ranted gritted through her teeth, as I took in her annoyed expression.

And, I'm offended. She called me skinny, which was just a bold faced lie, I wasn't huge in weight, not a fatass like her but I was definitely pushing about 180 lbs maybe a lil more but my muscles filled me in for the most part, thanks to how much I was in the gym, but before I could continue to inwardly boast myself along further, I groaned aloud,

—And I mentally face palmed myself once I realized that I'm definitely fucked if I was to get up from my current splayed over position and no longer had to strength or courage to even lift myself up.

It's too early for this shit.

today was one of our usual training days as well as yesterday and the day before thag we train at least 5 out the 7 days and they've been virtual lately I swear every part of my body was aching but I still managed but only after I've slept the majority of the day.

His Perfect Obsession | Book Two Of Russo Series Where stories live. Discover now