Chapter Three

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I came down the steps jogging down just lightly and yet still my sister and cousin were nowhere in sight,

"Where are the hell are they?" I asked more so to myself than anyone else, continuously look at the door for Davina and Isabella, and yet the answer was something I didn't have,

"Isabella said they are coming now, that just had gotten a little backed up handling something, but they'd be back soon, " Marco tried to assure but it hadn't seemed to be working.

"You know they take the longest to everything, their asses are slow like turtles but they'll be here, don't shit yourself" Ambrose sat back on the couch, putting hand up over his eyes and hid I wanted to smack the shit of his ass since the moment he got here.

"Remind me again, why you two are in my house?" I spat, eyeing his ass in annoyance and he shrugged, "auntie loves us, and free food... should I go on?"

But I just stick up my middle finger at him, and the dumbass responded back by making an ugly ass heart with his ashy ass fingers.

And yet I didn't even have it in to respond, growing aggravated by my little sisters carelessness I decide to call her, digging my my pocket for my phone and quickly scrolling to her contact dialing her number.

And she picked up on the third ring—

"Hello, best brother in the wor—" she began sarcastically, but I cut her off,

"Where the fuck are you? You were suppose to be here almost an hour ago and you're only now heading back to the house?!" I damn broke my teeth from the way they were gritted together, and my mind racked trying to see how that logic was even a lick of smart.

And yet again, I found none at all.

"Okay first of all, calm the fuck down, I said I'll be there, so I'll be there, and if you just know Isabella and I got caught up talking to my future sister- in-law" I could basically hear and envision the smirk on her face.

And I felt my face instantly heat and my heart beat begin to pickup knowing exactly to whom she was talking of,


Solana; the quiet girl with the huge dimples, big soft doe eyes, her hair always styled into braids or just let loose and her even prettier sounding voice. Everything about her was just pretty.

Very pretty. She was Beautiful.

I hadn't spoken to her, at least nothing being even close to memorable for her to remember but I remembered each and everytime.

His Perfect Obsession | Book Two Of Russo Series Where stories live. Discover now