Chapter Four

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My head was pounding repeatedly in my skull—

I grimaced at sting on my cheek hissing when I reached up to soothe the sore are and all over again I could feel the anger and annoyance filled my veins.

But I remembered to breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth and all that other bullshit and that shit didn't fucking work!

I swear I'm going to sue all those people in those YouTube videos because they give sucky advice sometimes.

I blinked my clenched eyes open to be met with the intruding rays of the sun from behind my curtains, welcoming me to morning,

It was morning again. How great!— please note the sarcasm if you couldn't already.

But was the reason of my anger night you ask, well I'll gladly tell you, I was sleeping quite fucking peacefully before a loud demanding knock scared me halfway to death, as I rolled over so far I feel off the bed, hitting the floor,

The hard, cold floor in which I still laid on. But, the ringing of my arm clock app was starting to really annoy the shit out of me, so I got my ass up—

But my body was in pain.

My wrists were aching and I felt myself wince at my reddened skin, and tried to take my mind elsewhere.

Anywhere else, so I moved around,

I moved over to my dressers picking out clothes to wear for school day, not even trying for to search for anything to go the extra mile, I happily decide on my favorite black hoodie and sweatpants to match.

It would surely cover me enough. I didn't want anyone to ask me questions. Those were the worst.

And I just slightly nodded at the outfit, nibbling my lip as I eyes it a little bit more feeling unsure if it was good enough but i felt my elder nearly bulge out of my sockets looking at the time.

Oh shit! I'm late which I guess isn't the best I haven't been to school in days, yesterday being one, and the other days... well I won't make excuses but I really just didn't have the energy to get my black ass out of bed but then again who are those white administrators to question me!

Well not really, I just rolled being out of the house before anyone woke up, and currently I am behind schedule,

Crap! But not to badly. Maybe I'll just skip out breakfast. It wouldn't be the first time. So, once done I moved around my room locating my lighter,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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