II - The Encounter

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After Puss got out of the inn, he noticed it was slowly yet surely getting dark. Even though it was an April late afternoon, residents of San Ricardo were still busy on the streets. After all, the economy had improved much and new job opportunities for people had showed up. It was ordinary to see craftsmen rushing to their workshops or merchants trying to sell their goods. San Ricardo finally had a good time. And that is what satisfied Puss.

The ginger hero walked through the streets and tried to pay attention of his surroundings. He was told that many guards are patrolling the town and they have better equipment. Nevertheless, he went into a back dark alley.

Just as Puss walked into it, a shining spot of light on the ground caught his eye. He had an urge to pounce on it, but he stopped. He knew what that meant.

„I am not being fooled this time." He muttered and looked at the window ledge.

Indeed, there was somebody lying on the window ledge. It was a black cat with white chest and mouth and with a white tip at the end of its tail. The thing was, it was not an ordinary cat. It was Kitty Softpaws – Puss's only true love.

Kitty chuckled lightly while holding a piece of mirror reflecting the light onto the ground.

„Oh, really?" She smiled and placed down the mirror. „I can doubt it."

„I thought you were leaving." Puss told her, being amused.

„Mhmm..." She murmured. „And don't you remember that we will meet sooner than you think?"

Then, Kitty jumped off the window right on her all fours. She stood up and walked closer to Puss.

„I... I do." He smiled at her. „I do remember that. And I was looking for you."

„Me?" Kitty placed her paws on her chest in surprise and irony. „And why would you need me?"

„One word: White Eagle." He whispered.

„That's two words." Kitty said.

Puss tilted his head in confusion and asked: „Two words?"

„Yes. You said: White Eagle. These are two words."

„Oh, alright, whatever!" He waved his paws in slight annoyance and gave her a glare. „So, have you heard about it?"

Kitty just shook her head, saying:

„Never in my nine lives."

Puss raised his head up a little. „Well, it is a great creature. I would like you to know something about it."

„Alright." Kitty shrugged and sat down on stairs. „Go on. Tell me."

Puss began telling her what he heard from Svenn. He began from the Polish legend about Lech, Czech and Rus. After that, he moved on to the artifacts, the White Eagle's blood, Mieszko The First's maze and finally the Polish Hussars – legendary warriors. He told her everything in details, but he still simplified a few things in order to make a short story long.

Just as he finished, he noticed Kitty lying on the staircase on her back. Her white paws were curled up, her head leaned backwards and her eyes were closed. Sure, it was a very pleasant sleeping position for a cat, but it was still firm evidence that his story was either boring or she was tired.

„Hey!" He yelled out of a sudden, shaking Kitty's shoulders.

„I-I-I am not asleep, I am not asleep." She responded while slowly standing up on her hind paws.

Puss only sighed and asked her: „Is this whole Polish culture bad enough that you grow tired and go to sleep immediately?"

„No, of course not!" Kitty scoffed, chuckling happily. „I am just sleepy these days, that's all." She rubbed her eyes just to emphasize that.

Puss in Boots: The White EagleWhere stories live. Discover now