XIII - The Romantic Affair Bonus

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This chapter has been suggested and composed by one of the most wholesome Puss in Boots fan I ever know so far - LilyRoseXxXxX! She also opened my eyes regarding Puss' and Kitty's personalities and their possible reactions after this chivalrous and sick quest. Enjoy! :)


Puss and Kitty arrived in San Ricardo. The same place they met Paweł. Kitty stormed ahead of Puss with a huff. She let the happiness of the adventure fade away and instead directed all her anger at Puss. Puss understood why Kitty might be mad at him and went to catch up with her. A look of sorrow overcame his face.

"Kitty, wait! I can explain-" Puss yelled.

Kitty turned around and scolded Puss. Puss stopped in his tracks and backed away a little bit upon seeing Kitty's expression.

"Oh really? Tell me, Puss, how are you going to explain trying to sleep with someone behind my back," Kitty snapped.

Kitty pointed her finger at Puss and jabbed it at his chest.

"I almost have to congratulate you for managing to piss off two women at a time. It is a skill. You tried to cheat on me with Bożena. You had her in tears. You could have hurt her. No- You did hurt her, and for what? To please yourself, only thinking with what is between your legs," Kitty yelled, not holding anything back.

Kitty was about to storm off again in a fit, but Puss grabbed her arm tightly. Kitty tried to squirm out of his hold, muttering quick get off of me's. Puss didn't let go and kept her there. In what was almost a flash of lightning, Kitty slapped her paw against Puss' face. Puss' head jolted to the side. He bit his lip and stayed as calm as possible.

"I... I deserve that," Puss mumbled.

Kitty was inches away from slapping him again. Puss grabbed that arm too.

"I think one slap is plenty,"

Kitty didn't stop resisting Puss and was about to kick him before Puss decided he should start talking.

"Just, please, listen to me. ¿Por favor?" Puss pleaded.

Kitty stopped squirming and looked Puss dead in the eyes. She would listen to him, but she sure as hell wouldn't be happy about it.

"Look. I am sorry. I do not know what I was thinking. I would never intentionally hurt anyone. Especially women. Especially you. Cheating is against my honour. I wasn't thinking. My head felt light, and it was like I zoned out of my actions. It sounds like a stupid excuse, but I swear I am not lying," Puss tried to explain.

"Yeah, it does sound like a stupid excuse," Kitty agreed.

"But I can promise you I will never do anything like this again! I swear on my life,"

Kitty let out a half-groan half-sigh and turned her head to the ground.

"You just don't get it, do you? You trying to mate with Bożena was my breaking point. Before that, you were still treating me like garbage. Like I am nothing but your damsel in distress who has no purpose. When we first talked about Bożena, I was happy to let your demeanour slide under the boat and laugh about it. Then we met her. When she was mocking me and my honour, you did nothing about it. Which was fine at the time, and I was happy to let that slide too and defend my own honour. But when I did defend my honour, and show that I was capable like everyone else by stealing her keys, what did you do again? Oh, that's right. After asking you to support me like partners are supposed to, your words were, "I think you, ladies, are under some strong emotions". Said like we were fighting for your hand. I was trying to defend my honour after being insulted! But I was going to be nice and let that slide too. But you just had to keep pushing my limits! After saying that, you not only start getting close to her and staring at her like she is the most beautiful woman, you then try to have an intimate time with her. Oh, oh! And how can I forget the stunt you pulled in the cave when faced with a beautiful woman trying to kill us. You flirt with her in front of me like I didn't exist! God! That felt good to get out of my system!" Kitty yelled at Puss, ripping out of his hold.

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