VIII - The Obstacles

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Both freshly gathered parties were now travelling towards Zakopane to meet there and regroup. But their journey was not that quick and overly pleasant, unfortunately. After all, Polish lands were surprisingly full of mysteries, it was a haven for adventurers.

Bożena was riding through a mediocre-densed forest on the horse at a slow pace during the afternoon. Her new party member Filemon was walking on his all fours just in front of her. He varied much from Bożena at this moment, he did not have any belt, any cape, not even boots. Moreover, his only mean of transport were his own paws which thankfully did not even begin to ache yet.

„How are you so sure where we are going now?" Bożena asked out of curiosity.

„What?" Filemon got snapped out of his thoughts and wondered.

„You deaf or what? Why are you playing smart and being that confident?"

„Because I've been to this place, 'kay?" He answered her. „I've been travellin' from North to South due to boredom."

„Yea," Bożena interrupted. „You're one of those cats who don't have a home and just wander through the whole country while picking up the females, aren't ya?!"

„Ya can say that." Filemon admitted and smiled sincerely. „Look, we've been walking for quite a while, you sure we don't need a rest?"

„Rest?" Bożena asked while looking down at him from her horse. „I am not tired at all."

„Please, panno!" He pleaded but then something caught his eye. There was a small stream of water not so far away from them. After spotting it, he asked Bożena: „There is something I wanna let you see there!"

At first, Bożena felt uneasy and even irritated that he dared to try and stop her journey. But then she looked in Filemon's direction and saw it – a decent stream of water was dripping down the forest creek. She waved the reins, making her horse move faster to the location. Once she got a clearer view of it, she dismounted and followed Filemon further into the forest.

„Is... Is this what you wanted to show me? Just a creek?" Bożena asked in disbelief.

„I am sure ya need a drink." Filemon smiled and bent towards the water to take a few sips from it with his tongue.

At this time, Bożena looked around in search for any threat. She got sure she found nothing before crouching down too.

Bożena looked straight at the water and noticed the perfect reflection of her beautiful appearance. She took a glimpse of Filemon who was hydrating himself and eventually lowered down to drink for herself too. In all honesty, it was the best drinking experience, hands down. One would say that two cats from two different social spheres were relatively drinking healthily as equals.

But this beautiful moment unfortunately ended quite soon. Bożena felt a tug on her saber, as if somebody or something tried to take it from her. She instantly looked around and gave a hefty kick right where she tough the tugger was. Her mouth soon let out a gasp in shock as she realized it was nothing other than a red fox which had been evidentially sent a few feet backwards by the impact of her kick.

The red fox was a little more massive and larger than Bożena, that was for sure. Even though it stood on all fours and had no weapons on itself, it still proved to be a dangerous foe for these two cats. Filemon immediately got his fight or flight reflex kicked in just as he saw the fox.

„WOAH, KURWA!!! IT'S A FOX!" He shouted in panic and hopped off to run to a nearby tree.

But Bożena did not seem to give up as easily as that.

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