VII - The Unfolded Mystery

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The sun finally began to rise on the horizon in the forest. Albeit slowly, the area started to be gradually less and less dark. Both Puss and Kitty were constantly staring at Paweł, their bigos almost eaten already. Seeing that Paweł was listened to, he continued:

Bożena is the most precious cat to me right now. The only daughter. The only one to pass on my legacy. Contrary to what many cats do, I took care of it. Even though Anna did not really want my help at first, you probably realize how it is. I raised her to be a member of the cavalry because there was not really any other career for her. Especially when she bit my paws and ears often even before she could see on her eyes.

But unfortunately, one man was aware of my past. He was one of the Komturs of the Teutonic Order – one of the governors of its lands. And his name was Leopold von Spielwduper, I have learnt. One day I went to Częstochowa, a city nearby, to buy some supplies. When I went back...

I noticed my Anna dead and lying in a pool of blood. And a message right next to it that indeed Leopold von Spielwduper was responsible for it.

This image still haunts me to this day, even though it happened a year ago.

But I try to live with just my daughter Bożena. I swear that one day when I meet Komtur Leopold, I will kill him for what he has done to me. I have never tried to cause any harm by my own hatred or anything of that sort. I tried to live a good life. And these are my consequences.

The White Eagle, however, was a legend I heard when I was young. But I have never really bothered to take it for real. However, one day on an expedition, my commander mentioned that the White Eagle might be a real thing. That it might be a reason why Poland stays together. And Hussar commanders never joked like that. I started researching it in my free time. Asked villagers. Asked townsfolks. Even priests and monks. But I then realized that it is so well hidden that it might be a total secret or it just might not exist. Up until now when I met you. And up until now when I discovered that Heinrich and Klaus were after it too.

Puss tilted his head and asked: „Why would you think so?"

Out of his satchel, Paweł pulled out a piece of pergamin and unfolded it. There were in fact a few numbers and letters randomly spread over.

„They had the last piece of the puzzle. Searching for the White Eagle will not give us much trouble that way."

Later, he yawned and opened his jaw widely, exposing his more or less crooked teeth. He was surely getting tired, especially after fighting, riding, and telling a story. The party was not hungry anymore after eating some bigos, so now the only thing needed was to take a rest.

„...I'll stay on guard, companero Polaco-- I meant... Senor Paweł." Puss quickly corrected himself.

Paweł at the moment did not really bother the sudden change in Puss' vocabulary. He was preparing himself to sleep by taking off his boots and belt. However, the fact that Puss called him per „senor" probably meant something.

Puss walked up to horse and as he moved by Paweł, he spoke: „I-I'm sorry for what happened to your fiance."

Without any bigger concern, Paweł just nodded as he laid on the grass and closed his eyes, just to fall asleep. Kitty did the same, albeit she curled herself up to preserve warmth.

Puss just leaned on a tree and held his paw on the sword, hoping nobody unpleasant would happen this time. Paweł's backstory looked really tough. However, didn't he really got what he worked for? He admitted to have killed many. It is practically no wonder that he is wanted in foreign lands.

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