IX - The Unification

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The journey for both parties was going without much trouble later on. Bożena and Filemon used the tent to spend a night in and Puss with his companions was constantly closer and closer to the destination.

During the voyage and the sound of horse's hooves walking on the path, Kitty raised his head and asked: „Excuse me... Senor Paweł?"

„Tak?" He responded to the call.

„What are we going to encounter once we get there?"

„I have no idea." He answered with a slight fatigue. „I know for sure that the White Eagle can be very well protected in the mountains. I'd advise some caution."

„With you till the end of the world." Puss summed up. Paweł perked his ears up at these words and turned his head briefly to Puss. However, soon enough, he kept his eyes on the road again.

„It's been a long time since somebody told me that, you know." Mieszkogradzki mentioned. „My thanks."

„Why wouldn't I say that? Not going to lie, Senor, you are the one leading us to a mythical creature." Puss explained further. „It really reminds me of the Golden Goose."

„Tak, I have heard about it." Paweł told him. „This is why I came to San Rikardo in the first place."

Both Kitty and Puss shifted their gazes straight to Paweł and asked from disbelief: „For real?!"

Paweł nodded his head a few times shortly and began explaining: „It was an easy decision. The word was that there was indeed a creature which went by the name of Golden Goose. Able to conjure gold out of itself, amirite?"

„Si, you're right." Puss confirmed and let Paweł continue:

„And that is how you quickly gained your wealth in your San Rikardo town. This was technically the only reason I paid a visit to this town. Just to get some coin since this town was growing. Life as an impoverished noble is not that easy."

„Si, si." Kitty agreed with his words. „San Ricardo really did afford new remedies by the sudden flow of golden eggs. We've even expanded our farmlands, as I've heard. But most importantly, they could afford enough materials and workers to even build a school!"

Paweł nodded once at the mention and said: „That's extraordinary you have the right overseers to build the right facilities."

„I know, right?" Kitty confirmed. „I mean, I haven't really been to any school, but I learnt how to read. My owners had some books and they read them with me and..."

Kitty hung her head down at this memory. Puss immediately hugged her from behind and licked her ear. Paweł turned back again, only to see for himself how powerful their bond is.

„It is alright." Paweł said. „I admire that you are together nevertheless. I initially thought that I was the one who was being irrational with staying to she-cats and giving them respect and affection."

„Come on, Senor!" Puss cut his speech right there. „There are quite a few cats who do that!"

„Senor Paweł." Kitty smiled shyly and clapped Paweł's shoulder. „It is good that you have some emotions... under that Polish Hussar cover of yours."

„I've always thought that she-cats need to be respected and cared for. It struck me once in one of my campaigns that if men knew through what kind of pain their mothers went just to give birth to them, none would ever hurt any woman. I swear. Bożena herself will come here shortly. My only hope in these difficult times."

„Oh, and..." Kitty interrupted while trying to be as polite as possible. „Senor, does she also know how to read?"

„Tak, she does." Paweł answered calmly, since during these times this question was not very offensive. „In our fatherland we have monasteries in which there are classes for those willing to read. Under some proper pay, of course. Wołodyjowski bought such classes for me when I was young and so I did the same for my daughter."

Puss in Boots: The White EagleWhere stories live. Discover now