XII - The Epilogue

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Their whole ride was not too long, thankfully. Unlike the men of the Teutonic Order, the Polish light cavalrymen escorted all of the cats politely and with the right amount respect. Paweł even got his wounds treated and he shared his bottle of vodka with all of the cavalrymen which they drank heartily and happily. Through some part of the journey they were even signing jolly songs of victory over the German troops.

At one point, Kitty hugged Puss to herself and spoke only to him in the ambience of the songs:

„You know, Puss? Thank you brining me to such an adventure. San Ricardo is a great town for sure, but abroad, in totally different culture, we learnt a lot about others. And... I think we learnt about ourselves a lot too."

„Si, Kitty." Puss smiled and licked her ear affectionately. „You know... I've been thinking, maybe not everything the lords and authorities just tell us without giving us any proof might be true. We have now letters and messengers. Just imagine what could be, let's say, in like... 350 years when it will be over 2000 years Anno Domini!"

„Oh, please, Puss." Kitty shook her head.

„Really! What if you could send letters immediately and they would arrive at the same day or in just a matter of a few heartbeats? Or what if you could change people's minds to a greater level? I still can't believe we got so convinced by Senor Leopold von Spielwduper."

The journey lasted for a while until they finally arrived at Wilhelm's Tavern as the sun was slowly setting on the horizon. At the sight of the Polish light cavalrymen, Wilhelm himself went out of his tavern, with his giant gut causing him trouble to get out of the seemingly small door for him. He waved his greasy fingers at the newcomers and was surprised to see Paweł on horseback, along with the White Eagle.

„Wunderbar!" Wilhelm cheered and made way for the guests to come in through the door. „Hahahahah! Wunderbar! Kommen Sie schnell!"

They all dismounted their horses and Janusz, the leader of the retinue, ordered the youngest man to take their horses to the stables so they could be fed and watered. Once the horsemen made their way in, Paweł walked right behind them and nodded to Wilhelm, saying:

„We made it, Wilhelm. We made it. Thank you for your help."

„Well, I admire you for actually pulling it off." Wilhelm smiled and laughed again, just like such a fat innkeeper would.

They eventually all entered the tavern and some of the patrons turned their heads to see all the soldiers. Bożena kept close to Paweł while Kitty and Puss were looking around quite confused.

„Etwas zu trinken, Herr Paweł?" Wilhelm smiled under his moustache and pointed at a pint of beer.

„Ja. Vodka, bitte." Paweł responded and they all made their way to the tables.

All the four cats chose to sit down next to a round table, with all of them finally having a chance to relax and rest. A few minutes passed and Wilhelm made his way to their table, accidentally knocking off a few chairs with his enormous beer belly on his way. After setting a galloon of milk and a bottle of the finest vodka along with four glass shots, Wilhelm bowed down.

„Enjoy your drinks!" He enthusiastically smiled and went back to the counter.

The commotion went down quite a bit as Janusz with his horsemen took a table not too far from them. They now all poured their drinks and Puss lifted his milk up in the air. Then, the others followed.

„For the legendary White Eagle!" He cheered.

„For Anna." Paweł added a little quieter.

„FOR THE COMMONWEALTH!" Bożena yelled with huge enthusiasm.

Puss in Boots: The White EagleWhere stories live. Discover now