Chapter Three: Bullies

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*Mark's POV*
     Me and Sean got off the bus and entered the school together. There were so many other kids! While they were all running around, talking really loud, I felt really shy and awkward.
     Sean suddenly gripped my hand and held tight. I blushed a bit. Then I glanced over to him and I was shocked. He was really pale and shaking. He must be REALLY nervous! I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, you'll be fine. Don't be nervous." I said with a kind smile. I could feel him relax a small bit, but he still looked shy.
      We reached our classrom. On the door held a sign, saying: 'Mrs. Smith's First Grade Class'. I gulped. Slowly, I reached for the doornob and turned it, opening the door.
     There were about 30 kids all running around. The teacher wasn't here yet. I led Sean to two seats next to each other and we sat down together.
     A few minutes later a lady about 40 years-old opened the door and walked in. All the kids immediately went silent and ran to their seats. The teacher all eyed them suspiciously. Then she set her books down on the table and sighed.
     "Hello class, my name is Mrs. Smith. I would like for all of you children to behave yourselves this year, for you're all in first grade now, not kindergarten... its time for you all to learn to grow up. Now, please all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance!" She told us.
     We all immediately stood. Well, all exept Sean. He seemed really confused. "W-what's happening?" Sean asked me. Oh, I forgot he was from Ireland. He probably has no idea what The Pledge of Allegiance was. "Just do what I do." I whispered to him, pulling him out of his chair.
     We all started to announce it in unison. Well, again, all exept Sean. He was just mumbling quietly what he could hear from us. Something like, " Pledge... Flag... America...The... Nation... All...?". I thought it was quite cute. Then I blushed at what I was thinking, and shook the thought out of my mind.
     After that, Mrs. Smith told us to open our books and we started learning.
     A few minutes in, a crumbled paper whizzed past me, and hit Sean square in the face. A few more came and they all hit Sean. A few kids in the back were throwing em'. I was angry. He seemed scared, trying to dodge them, block them.... but he just kept getting hit. A piece of paper hit Sean and landed on my desk. I opened it, and that's when my blood boiled and I wanted to punch those kids over and over again.
     It said: "Wimp". I opened the others, reading them. They said: "Stupid" "Worthless" "Ugly" "Piece of Trash" "Prick" "Moron". The first day of school and he was already gettin bullied?! I was furious.
     I saw tears in his eyes as he just sat there, enduring it. While those bullies were snickering their butts off. It made me sick.
     "M-Mrs. Smith? U-umm... they're b-being mean to Sean..." I told her nervously. "Kids. Settle down, or you're going to the corner." The teacher told the kids sternly. The bullies shot me snarls, but I ignored them.
     Sean sent me a thankful smile, and I could tell he was crying. I smiled back, happy that I was able to stop them.

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