Chapter Nine: Largest Time Skip EVER!

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//--->*~10 Years Later~*<---// (holy shit thats a large fuckin time skip)

Mark's POV
"And I will see YOU... in the next video. Buh-Bye~!" I said to the camera smiling. I ended my recording there.
I sighed, and sat up removing my headphones, and heading towards the kitchen. I made a quick sandwich and ate as I scrolled through comments.
I had started YouTube a while ago. It was one hell of a job, and really fun.
One comment read: "Hey! You should totally collab with Jacksepticeye! That would be awesome!". I raised an eyebrow. I wonder who 'Jacksepticeye' was...

Sean's POV

I looked through comments on my latest YouTube video. One caught my eye. "Omg! You and Markiplier should play games together!". I gasped.
Markiplier?! He was WAY out of my league. I mean, he was the reason I started YouTube. He's just so fucking amazing! Talking to him would be a dream for me... but collabing with him... that would be fucking HEAVEN.

Maybe I could skype with him...? I squealed (yes he did just fucking squeal) at the thought of meeting him.

I found his e-mail adress from his YouTube account and e-mailed him. A few minutes later, I got a reply.

Mark's POV

I heard my phone vibrate. Hmm? New e-mail? I opened up the email and it read:

'Hey, Markiplier! My names Jacksepticeye. I've been getting a lot of requests for me to collab with you on my YouTube gaming channel. Maybe we can skype soon and work somethin out! :)'

I smiled. Hell yeah! I've been getting a lot of requests to work with him too, maybe it'll be fun!

~In Skype Call~

I called Jack on skype and waited for an answer. Almost immediately he answered. His face popped on the screen of my computer. "Hey, there! It's nice to finally meet you in person!" He said, smiling brightly.

As my eyes landed on him, I froze. I felt as if I was dreaming.


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