Chapter Five: Recess

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*Mark's POV*
We went outside to the playground. Looking over at Sean, he seemed excited. "Wow! This is so cool!" He said, beaming. I laughed and led him to the swings.
We swung there for a while, trying to see who could swing higher. "I'm totally going to win!" Sean said, laughing.
My jaw dropped when he swung SO high, he was nearly upside-down(You haven't lived until you've done that XD)! We both laughed. "Hahaha! I win!" Sean exclaimed. Suddenly, I heard a shout.
"Hey! What the heck are you doing on MY swing, stupid?!" I heard. There was a boy, he looked older than me by about a year. He shoved Sean off the swing and and onto the dirt. I ran off to help him. He started to tear up. He was crying. And only one thought was running through my mind: "Nobody. NOBODY MAKES SEAN CRY!!!"
"What... do you think... you're doing?!" I shouted at the bigger kid. He looked at me and smirked. "Oh, I'm just gonna teach this wimp a lesson." He said, cracking his knuckles. I glared at him. "Don't touch him or else." I said angrily. "Or else what? You're gonna beat me up? Heh, As if!" He cackled. "That's exactly what I'm going to do." I said, clenching my fists.
He kicked my side, and threw me face first into the dirt. I felt my arms and legs start to ache. I glanced down, to see several scrapes and cuts. I winced at the pain and looked over to Sean.
"And now... it's your turn." The bigger kid said. He picked Sean up by his shirt collar and smirked at his tear-stained face. "P-please.... don't hurt m-me..." Sean whimpered. The bigger kid lifted his fist, about to punch Sean.
This bigger kid snarled and dropped Sean, causing him to fall back into the dirt. "This isn't over." The bigger kid growled. Then he ran back into his classroom.
I weakly crawled over to Sean. He was still crying, his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry Sean... I couldn't protect you... I'm such an idiot...- Wha!" I started but was cut off with a hug. "Oh Mark.... don't say that... You're the best friend I could ever have." Sean whimpered in between sobs, tears in his eyes. I blushed at this, then sighed. So, I sat there comforting him. Unaware of the teacher calling our names to get to class. All that mattered right now was Sean.

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