Pt. 4

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Y/n's Pov

Kylee and I sat in the back while Angus drove, chatting with Jayla about Wanna and her family. "Hey Angus can we stop for food please" Kylee and I both asked giving him puppy dog eyes, He couldn't resist puppy dog eyes so he turned into the Chick-Fil-A. After we got our food we quickly ate, and were on the road to Jayla's house again. "We should totally go live on the Cloudy3 account" I said and everybody agreed, Jayla propped my phone on the dashboard and went live. "Hey guys" I said when some people joined, " Ask us some questions while we drive back to Jayla's house" Kylee said. Questions began flooding in, "Where are Javon and Jaden" Jayla read out loud. "At home, Who's older Kylee or Y/n? I am" I said. "What are your nicknames" Jayla said, "Mine is Cookie, Kylee's is Ky or Ky Ky, Y/n's Is Cloudy or bae, Angus's is Gus Gus but don't call him that unless you're close with him" Jayla said giggling. After answering several more questions we decided to end the live because we had reached Jayla's neighborhood. "Alright bye guys we might go live again later" Angus said, " Byeee" Me, Kylee and Jayla said.

After grabbing all of the luggage we went inside, Daelo sprinted towards me and jumped on me. "Your back finally now we can go play roblox's" He said and i nodded setting him down to grab to drop the stuff in my hands. Jaden and Javon sprinted down the stairs one headed towards me and the other headed towards Kylee. Jessica stopped them with a hand, "Don't sprint at them they might run off" She said moving her hand. They both slowly walked towards and hugged Kylee and then me, After introductions with Jessica and DJ we went upstairs to watch a movie. Angus, Javon, and Jaden wanted to watch a scary movie, which wouldn't have been as bad if they let us leave. Angus was sitting in Jayla's beanbag chair, I was on the floor in between Javon and Jaden. Kylee and Jayla were up on her bed mostly not watching the movie, " Kylee come down here. Who am I supposed to cuddle when i get scared" I said grabbing her foot and pulling it. She ended up falling between me and Jaden partially on his lap, "Sorry I'm gonna move" She said trying to get up. Jaden wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back down. Javon looked over at them and then back at me before pulling me towards him as well. Angus got up and walked towards us, "No funny business either of you" he said pointing at the boys. After he left I began to get sleepy, Some how my head ended up on Javon's chest and i fell asleep.

Jayla's Pov

The movie just finished and it wasn't that scary, "Guys you wanna watch another movie" I asked nobody answered, I looked down and Y/n and Javon were asleep cuddling. Jaden was awake but he was cuddling Kylee. I quickly snapped a few picture and posted them before falling asleep myself.

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