Pt. 13

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Y/n's Pov

The next day

I woke up really early and got ready for the fight, I put my hair tightly into a braided bun. After that I ran down stairs and got a bucket of water to wake everybody up, I walked into Mira's room and woke her up to help me. I had her move phones and anything that would break if it got wet, and then we showered them in water. "What the hel- heck Y/n" Javon complained sitting up, "Time to go train so I can stomp that hoe into the ground" I said making a stomping gesture. "It's literally 7 in the morning" Jaden groaned this time, "Our fights at 9 so yes I got you all up early" I said and they slowly got up and headed to the shower. I made Mira breakfast and laid out her clothes because Zendaya was coming to get her around 7:30.

Coco's Pov

That stupid bitch thought I didn't know she was La's Boxing Champion for the past three years. She almost lost and to her own best friend, I know she rounded up her posse so I'm gonna round up mine. I called up all the kids who used to hate her because I told them that she tried to get with their crushes, Those people being Freya Jenkins, Maddie Warden, and Layla Carsyn her ex best friend. 

I texted the group chat and they all agreed that Y/n couldn't win, So now I have 3 people on my side. 

Layla: Cars that go boom

Maddie: MADdie at Disney

Freya: Freya and the seven dwarfs

Coco: Coco Butter

Operation Kill A Bitch

MADdie at Disney: Hey I'm omw rn

Cars that go boom: Same stopping for coffee though 

Coco Butter: Getting dressed and then stretching

MADdie at Disney: Freya

*Seen by Freya and the Seven dwarfs 

Ten minutes later

Coco butter: Freya?

Freya and the seven dwarfs: Yeah I'm omw too

Y/n's Pov

After everyone showered we had breakfast, and Zendaya came and got Mira. We headed to the gym so I could be early. "Alright Y/n spar with Kylee, This time I'm not gonna get DM's from your managers because your bruised again." Angus said and I laughed touching my eye where the faint bruise still was, "Don't let me win again little sister" Kylee said taunting me to make me mad.  I lunged at her and knocked her to the floor, and punched the mat next to the floor because I didn't want to hit her in the face. After we fought for awhile, Coco showed up and of course she wasn't alone. "Hey whore you ready to lose" Coco said as soon as she saw me, "Correction you ready to go to the hospital" My old best friends said laughing.  "Alright this fight is gonna be fair. They are rules and everyone has to follow them" Angus said eyeing Coco. "No hair pulling or kicking. No double teaming and you have to stop when I say stop" Angus continued, "Everybody got that" I said mostly to Coco and they nodded. "Alright put your gloves on girls" Angus said chucking mine at me, Coco looked confused. "I don't have gloves" She said, Kylee gave hers to Coco. We got into the ring and began circling each other, She lunged at me and I moved to the side so she hit the ropes. She turned around and punched me in the face, Blood started running down my faces and I smiled. I pushed to the floor and hovered my hand over her face, "Hit me whore. Do it you wont, Your just a stupid fucking pussy. No wonder your parents left you" She said trying to push me off her. I lost it and punched her over and over, "Y/n stop" I heard Angus faintly yelling but I couldn't my gloves were covered in blood. Javon grabbed me around the waist and pulled me off of her, "Y/n fucking stop" He said in my ear. I pulled away from him and ran outside, "Fuck" I yelled to no one in particular. I probably killed her, "Y/n are you okay" Daelo asked walking over to me. I nodded my head slightly, "Come here" I said and he sat in my lap and hugged me. "I'm sorry you had to see that" I said pulling off my gloves, "It's fine" He said and I picked him and walked back into the gym. Coco was sitting in a chair with an ice pack on her face, "Sorry" I said mostly to Angus because Coco deserved it. "Fine you win you can have him.  I didn't want him anyway" Coco said and she got up and started grabbing her stuff. "Oh and Guys I lied she never did any of those things I said she did" Coco said to Freya, Maddie and Layla before leaving. 

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