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(Jaden and Kylee don't date btw just so you know)
Y/n's Pov
On the Car ride back to the Waltons from the interview, I got a message request on Instagram. Usually I don't check Dm's that aren't from Fan pages or people I know but this person had sent 6 messages. Coco requested to message me, I decided to look at it because why not maybe she was apologizing. Wrong in fact she did the complete opposite.
C: Stay Away from the Waltons
Yesterday at 12:45 AM
C: Javon doesn't like you he likes me
Today at 6:24
C: Answer me you useless bitch
Today at 6:30
C: Too bad I was gonna show you something cool
Today at 6:33
**Image attached**

CocoQuinnC: Stay Away from the Waltons Yesterday at 12:45 AMC: Javon doesn't like you he likes meToday at 6:24C: Answer me you useless bitchToday at 6:30C: Too bad I was gonna show you something coolToday at 6:33**Image attached**

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C: Looks like someone likes me better
Just now
Y: You can have him, I thought he liked me but apparently I was wrong
C: I was gonna take him whether u gave in or not
Read just now

I felt my eyes well up with tears, Luckily we had just reached the Waltons house. "Y/n are you okay" Kylee asked I ignored her and hopped out the car, I rushed into the door and smacked into Jaden. "Sorry" I mumbled practically pushing past him in my haste to get to the guest room, "Y/n what's wrong" He shouted after me but I didn't stop. Finally making it to the guest room I laid on the bed and cried, Rocking myself back and forth trying to calm down. All of a sudden I heard a knock at my door, "Y/n are you okay" It was Angus. I got up and opened the door slightly only expecting him to be standing there, but instead everyone was standing there. I locked eyes with Javon and shut the door again, "I'm fine just go away Angus" I muttered. "Can one of us at least come in so you don't do something irrational" Kylee asked, I opened the door and grabbed Jaden by the wrist. "Wait did you grab the wrong twin" Jayla asked and everyone laughed, "No I didn't" I said going to shut the door again. Javon ushered everyone away claiming he would talk to me, "What happened I thought you liked me more than Jaden" I ignored him. "I'm not leaving until you tell me whats wrong" He said pushing the door open and sitting on the bed, Again I ignored him and tugged Jaden down next to me on the floor. "What did you do wanna?" Jaden asked him, "I don't know" Wanna said back. I layed my head on Jadens lap and he began to play with my hair, "So your ignoring me and cuddling with my twin in front of me. Wow that's nice" Javon said. "Get out if you don't like it then" I said back forcefully, "Just tell me what I did" He pleaded with me. "I don't know go and ask your girlfriend Coco" I said, I thought only Javon and Jaden heard me but little did I know everyone else was listening outside the door. "Wha- Oh. Your mad because I hung out with her at the Fair today" He said giggling slightly, "No I'm mad because you made out with her after making it seem like you liked me" I snapped his giggles stopped abruptly. "How did you know we kissed" He asked suspiciously, "Coco sent me a picture of y'all" I mumbled, "It's okay I have people who aren't assholes who deserve my love and attention" I said Jaden's hand movements stopped in my hair. 

All of a sudden the door creaked and three people came tumbling through,  Angus, Kylee, and Jayla. "Really you guys are nosey" Javon said pushing past them. Nobody said anything and I ended up falling asleep on jadens lap and waking up in his bed. 

Instagram ~ Javon " Wanna" Walton (Discontinued as of Rn)Where stories live. Discover now