Chapter 4

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Last updated : 3 months ago

Me: ...Oops


~Zuko POV~

"Wait, really?" I blurt out, not expecting that answer at all.

"Yes really." Katara spat, trying to be nice for Aang's sake but once again failing.

 "Even though I sent an assassin after you?" I questioned. The moment that sentence left had left my mouth I regretted it. Katara very suddenly made an odd sound from her throat.

"You WHAT?!" Sokka screeched, his voice cracking to notes so high they were ungodly. I fought the urge to cover my ears. Didn't I just say that I did when he and Toph cornered me?! 'He must have some sort of short term memory loss. It hasn't even been an hour.'

 I tried to quickly think of an excuse. "I-um-we-"

"And just when I thought I could trust you too! See, guys? I told you we couldn't trust him, he's fire nation after all!" Katara yelled at the rest. Let's just say that they looked more frightened of her than of me.

 "I...don't know, Katara. Toph told us he'd changed, and maybe we should  listen to her. I mean, she hasn't been wrong about many things and how different is this?" Aang quipped from the back of the group. I had almost forgot he was there.

'If they accept me, would not noticing Aang make me a bad future-teacher?' I don't know. It's...probably fine? 

~Sokka POV~

I resisted the urge to slap Zuko when he conveniently mentioned the assassin he sent after us. Wait- Did he mean Sparky Sparky Boom Ma- I mean Combustion Man? 

"You WHAT?!" I yelled at him, my voice cracking. He flinched almost instantly and then I remembered I was supposed to know. Maybe Katara's right and I do have short-term memory loss. 

"I wonder if Zuko thinks the same."  I thought dryly. He probably did.

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