Chapter 7

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"Remember to write, Nephew!"

"Don't worry. I will."

At least that's how Zuko would've liked his goodbyes to have gone. Instead, he left a letter in Iroh's mailbox stating that he was going to leave. He felt horrible as he rode on Appa. All five of them had just escaped from Lake Laogai- he had just betrayed Uncle and Katara. And worst of all, he didn't even try to have a proper goodbye and instead just- ran away. Like he always did.


Apparently they had seen him stand up to his relatives and fight off the Dai Li, so somehow, the Avatar ad his friends had let him back into the group. He knew he should be jumping for joy, but really, he knew he'd never be a real part of Team Avatar. 


~3rd POV Zuko~

Sometimes, Zuko lay on his bed at night, thinking about his mother. Sometimes, he wished he could go back to the Fire Nation and everything would be absolutely perfect. He knew it was childish, but still- regardless of what he thought he got over, well... there was always this nagging at the back of his mind. 

     'What if father had accepted you back, when you sent him those letters?' a patronizing, mocking voice sang.

'What if he had accepted those pleas of mercy? "Oh, father please! Let me come back, the Avatar is dead!"' The voice barked out a sharp laugh and Zuko's face paled as Azula appeared behind him. He grunted and kicked a burst of flame at her, only to be met with a swish of air. He tried again, to no avail.

     "What did you do to my firebending?" He snarled, his hands trembling. She stopped laughing and instead settled for a manic grin, electricity buzzing at her fingertips. 

     "Zuzu, what exactly were you going to do even  if you still had firebending? You were never as good as me. You know you could never beat me." Her fingers crackled, foreboding.  

     "No, no, no no, Azula, don't do it!" Zuko pleaded, backing away. He was vaguely aware of his surroundings tuning from a pitch black to a blood red. Glancing around in fear, he saw a barrier  of blue flames sprout from the ground.

 "Azula, you're better than this. You know you wouldn't shoot your own brother with lighting, right?" Zuko wasn't even sure of his own words now. His head was pounding and his pulse quickened as she drew closer.

     "Oh, Zuzu, you don't even know anything." And then a streak of bright lightning hit him and everything faded into black.

- - - -

~3rd POV Sokka~

It all happened so fast he could barely remember it. Getting into a fight with Hahn, Zhao killing the moon spirit, Yue. Yue. She was the part he definitely remembered, as clear as if he had met her the day before. He remembered Yue laughing along with his jokes. He remembered Yue's sweet smile and warm skin, a sharp contrast to the cool air around him.

Unconsciously, Sokka shivered a little.

He remembered watching helplessly as Yue floated away, his hands grabbing at nothing but mist. He remembered falling to the ground, tears flowing uncontrollably. He remembered Katara comforting him moments after. He remembered thinking, "I failed"


He peeled his eyes off of the lake and noticed that everything and everyone was frozen but him. He pried himself out of Katara's embrace and whipped around to face Yue. 

Wait, Yue?

     "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," his voice cracked eyes shining. "I'm so, so sorry. I.. I failed you."

She sighed and went closer to him, looking into his eyes. 

     "Sokka, you didn't fail anyone. You don't deserve to beat yourself up like this. I  made a sacrifice. At least now I can be at peace, knowing my tribe is safe," she hesitated, before adding on. "You... you have to move on, Sokka.  For yourself. For... for me."

Sokka bit back tears and his throat constricted painfully, trying to hold back a sob.

     "I'm sorry," he whispered, leaning in to hug Yue. He gasped as his hand didn't go through Yue's body, but then decided not to look a gift ostrich-horse in the mouth. "I hope I'll be able to see you after this."

     "Don't be sorry," Yue said softly, hugging him back. "You'll be able to see me every night. Just look into the sky."

Then she faded away, and Sokka was left alone in the dark once again.


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