Chapter 11

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a/n: I'm so sorry for not updating for so long- I've just not been  in a great place and lost a lot of motivation in writing this, I looked back at this fic and its actually... kind of crap. BUT. It was fun to write so I'm back at it again. Hope you (my lovely nonexistent readers) still enjoy whatever this shitshow is <333




          Although he wasn't a proficient fire bender, breathing exercises with Zuko had woken his inner fire once again and made it so that he rose with the sun. Doing that meant he could watch the sun rise everyday and hope that one day he could share that peacefulness with Katara.

       However, it also meant that he saw Sokka and Zuko emerge from the woods at the crack of dawn for an almost a week straight, both . This time though, something seemed to have gone right, because they came out, sweaty and both with peculiar expressions.

        Sokka's looked somewhat constipated (that was pretty common these days), like he was trying to hold back a goofy expression, and Zuko's looked similar, but it seemed he was doing a much better job of containing his smile. Aang dwindled around the edge of a tree, conveniently (definitely not on purpose), slipped behind it and twisted his body to get a better look at them.

       He knew he shouldn't be sneaking, but he was just so curious as to what made his usually grumpy fire-bending teacher's lips quirk up just that little. Suddenly, Zuko's smile was replaced with an eye roll and an indignant shout of, "My tea isn't that bad!" Katara, who was a solid 50 feet away, stirred and Zuko froze, but relaxed once again after she fell back into a steady breath.

       A bit later, Aang decided he couldn't take this anymore. It was eventful at first, but then it just became boring after, like, 30 minutes of watching them, and this seemed like an invasion of privacy. Clearly, this wasn't meant for others to see.

        Finality coursing through his veins, he lifted himself up with his air bending, took some water from the tree and walked over to Appa, who needed a serious scrubbing.



       Sokka watched, his mouth wide open as he watched a small figure come out from behind a tree who was also... Aang?! Aang looked back at the and smiled giddily, racing down to scrub Appa's toes, judging by the water he was intricately keeping in place.

"Was he...was he watching us this entire time?"

       Sokka looked over to see Zuko's usually pale white face turn a bright red, almost enough to rival his scar. For some reason, Sokka snickered. He really couldn't even bring himself to care.

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