Chapter 5

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~3rd person POV~

By this time there were many people staring at them. Even Zuko could see his uncle looking at him from his shop's window. 

"Mommy, what's happening?" a small child asked, holding onto her mother's hand. Her mother shook her head and pulled her away from the commotion.

"It's nothing, Saeko. We can't all be in other people's business like these children." The mother replied, ruffling Saeko's head. As they both were walking away, she shot a quick glare over her shoulder. 

"We like to keep things a bit more quiet here." she said to Sokka. He jerkily nodded, and I thought for a split second I could see the expression on Katara's face change, almost wistful. the moment he looked back though, it was gone.

The lady and her child must've been someone from a higher rank though, because after that, no one really crowded around their group. 

"Let's take this...somewhere else." Katara said, eyeing the small group that'd formed around them. 

They all started shuffling towards the Lower Ring, Katara taking the lead.

Out of the corner  of his eye, Zuko saw Sokka accidentally trip a woman with silk clothing, a wide, bleak smile, and straight, jet black hair in a traditional Earth style. She was still painfully smiling when he tripped her and he looked confused for a second, then realized what he had done and stuck his tongue out. 

Leaving Zuko confused, Sokka continued following Katara, oblivious Zuko was watching him a couple meters away.

"Who's that?" Zuko said quietly, tapping Sokka on the back.

"Oh, no one. Just some random stalker the king sent after us name Joo Dee. She's... probably okay," Sokka replied, twisting his head to a smiling Joo Dee getting up slowly and walking away. "I think."

Zuko nodded unsurely. He shyed away from Joo Dee and ended up on the other side of Sokka. Looking at the ground, Zuko mulled over his most recent decisions. He wondered what was happening back at the teashop. Uncle Iroh was doing fine without him, right? He couldn't help but worry, even though he knew his uncle was more than capable of running a tea shop.

'I hope this doesn't end badly', he hoped, silently praying to Agni. 


Nonexistent Readers: 

Ok but like do you guys want shorter chapters with quicker updates like right now or longe chapters with longe updates? Please comment what you would prefer nnext to this paragraph :) Have a nice rest of your day/night! 

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