Chapter 9

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~3rd person - Mostly Zuko~

Zuko felt wet. Well, wetter than usual. He was sure he had passed out somewhere and the last thing he remembered was frantically running through the woods. He wasn't sure where he was, or what was happening. All he knew was that there was something, or even someone near him.


Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his spine and he shot up, rubbing it. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked over to see a jagged rock had appeared in the area he was laying on.

     "Hey Sparky. Why'd you pass out?" Toph exclaims, punching him in the arm.

Zuko winced and shrugged. He still couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching him. He sharply turned around, only to be met with a face full of water.

     "Hold still!" Katara yelled angrily. "I'm trying to do something here!"

     "Sorry," Zuko said, turning back around. So that's who it had been. "I don't think I need healing right now. I'm feeling better."

     "How do you know I can heal?"

     "Scrolls." he answered.

He tried to get up, only to fall back down with a blast of air directed at his face.

     "Where are we, though? On Appa? Where are we going?" He asked, flicking the hair off of his face.

For some reason, he thought he heard a squeak coming from Sokka.

Toph dropped her feet onto his lap and crossed them. "Uh-huh. I wish we had another way of getting around."

      "Hey! Appa's amazing!" Aang called from where he was steering him. "Anyways. We decided to go to the Earth King. We should let him know of what's going on back in Ba Sing Se."


God, Zuko felt so awkward. Katara and Aang was just staring at him expectantly, but he didn't even know what to say.

     "Aren't you going to like... say anything else?" Aang tested, prodding him a bit. 

     He shook his head, lying back down. He was so sleepy. "No.. I think that's a good idea. The Earth king should know." 

Aang nodded, and looked back out into the distance. Katara walked over to Appa's reins and sat beside Aang, pulling Toph with her. Sokka and Zuko were alone now, yet together.

Zuko's head hurt, and he felt dizzy. He forced his eyes open either way. Momo trilled and poked his good eye. 

     "Ugh, stop it Momo." Zuko said, pushing Momo off of him. The lemur ran over to Sokka and perched himself on his shoulder.

     "Zuko, did you know that at one point I wanted to eat Momo?" Sokka remarked, scratching Momo's head. "Would you have believed that now? We're basically  the best of pals now." 

Zuko nodded, groaning and rolling to his side. Why was the wood so hard?

     "Hey, are you okay? Do you want water or something? I have plenty to sha-"

     "Do you think Uncle's going  to forgive me for leaving him?" Zuko whispered, gazing sleepily at Sokka's back.

He twisted around, almost falling in the process of doing so. 

     "What? Of course he'll-"

     "But I left him. I didn't even say goodbye." Zuko couldn't keep his voice from cracking. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes.

     "I... don't know. I've never actually met him, but he sounds great. I'm sure he'd be proud of who you are now. You made the right decision,  Zuko." Sokka said, placing an arm on his shoulder.

     "You really think so?" 

     "I know so."

Zuko made a small smile and curled into a ball to hide his face. Although he felt a bit better, he couldn't stop the pit of anxiety churning in his stomach. He got up and stretched his arms, noticing Sokka staring at him with an odd expression. 


     "Why're you so pale?"

     "I don't know. Maybe I just need to..."

     "Need to what?"

     "I don't feel so..." Zuko trailed off, collapsing to the ground. 

Sokka rushed over, dragging Zuko to Katara.

     "Katara, help!" Sokka cried out, "Zuko fainted again."

The Jasmine Dragon - Zukka AUWhere stories live. Discover now