Online-game pervs

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Hey~! So what random crap shall I write about today..

(I honestly had no plan going into this part)

This is a bit random.

During break, I was talking to two of my friends, and we got on the subject of 'online-game pervs'.

Both of them have boy skins (one still has Alex, the other Edward Elric), so they were talking about having girls flirt with them.

I'm not as lucky.

As some may know, my username used to be chelangirl. Girl.

My god, do people on the mineplex just love girls.

I was on one day with my friend Zig. These two boys started 'harassing' me, saying really crappy pickup lines and stuff. (i.e. Are you a torch? 'Cause you light up my world! *shutters*)

It gets.. bad, so Zig steps in and says, "she's 23," and y'know what? They stop real fast.

Another time, someone in DMT msg-ed Zig asking if I was single/hot. Yep. Man do I love the mineplex.

Anyone else have experience with these idiots?

Well, this went way off from what I was planning two hours ago. Meh.

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