Microsoft buying Mojang....

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who is staying in Mojang and is making minecraft better

So... Microsoft bought Mojang... WARNING: Huge rant up ahead! This is my dark, I will kill anyone who messes with my favorite things type side.

I would just like to say that if Microsoft steps a toe out of line I shall kill them all in a fiery rage. NO ONE RUINS MINECRAFT WITH ME AROUND!!! If they don't ruin it then YAY!!! But from the way Bebopvox was talking, things aren't bright. If the touch music, DEAD. On my kindle fire all I have is minecraft and portal music so they better not touch that. If they make us pay for certain servers I shall also rip of their heads so they better watch their back.

Minecraft was one of those things where as soon as I found out about it I took to the Internet and loved it and others did too. It would be like they took my computer away. Millions of people will get on their backs if the screw up. It would be suicide.

This is less of a vent to you friends, and more to Microsoft. If they come across this and screw  up, WE SHALL ATTACK!!! I might not be too nice right now but I just love minecraft. What if they took away minecraft stories on wattpad?!

I think I have screamed their faces of enough... For now... Microsoft, if you screw up, we shall attack. I recommend not touching youtube either. Or wattpad. Or mods. Or servers. Or minecraft.

If you make the game better than I thank you.

Oh, did I mention that Notch is leaving Mojang! Yeah. Why Notch! WHY!

Oh, also there is no Minecon 2014. If there is another minecon please make it Washington so I can go to 'visit my cousin' but accidentally go to minecon.

I would love to hear your guys' opinions on this!

Anyway... Sorry for sounding insane... Thanks for reading! Pi and goodbye!

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