Chapter 1

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"How was Franks pad?" Dean started the impala and slowly pulled onto the road.

"Clean." Sam shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Searched it top to bottom. No EMF, no hex bags, no silver."

Dean groaned in frustration, "So probably no ghosts, no witches, no demons."

Sam scoffed, "Yeah."

Dean tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "Three down and 97 to go."

Sam looked down at the speedometer and raised an eyebrow at Dean, "Dude, you're going 20."

Dean raised an eyebrow right back, "And?"

"That's the speed limit..." Sam looked at him with uncertainty.

Dean clenched his jaw, "What? Safety's a crime now?" He glared at Sam for a moment and quickly returned his eyes to the road.

Sam rolled his eyes and looked out his window. He looked behind them and pointed to the bright neon lights that they were passing, "Dude, where are you going? That was our hotel."

"Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal..." Silence filled the impala for a moment as Sam looked at him in shock. Dean sucked his teeth, "Did I just say that?" He looked at Sam who nodded slowly, "That was kind of weird." He chucked a slightly panicked chuckle.

Sam looked at him with panic slowly rising in his eyes. "Do you hear something?" He looked into his jacket and pulled out his EMF detector. It started to go off as it got closer to Dean.

Dean looks from it back to the road with panic starting to shine in his eyes, "Am I haunted? Am I haunted?!"


The next morning, Sam watched as his older brother air drummed "The Eye of the Tiger" and shook his head sadly. He was not going to be happy with what Bobby had found out.

He tapped the top of the car, making Dean shriek. It would have made him laugh if the situation wasn't so serious. Dean climbed out of the impala, trying to calm his racing heart.

He pulled out his arm and showed Sam three long scratches in the crook of his elbow, "Dude, look at this." Sam looked at them in worry and handed him a box of donuts.

"I just talked to Bobby." Dean looked at the donuts and threw them into the car. Sam tried to calm the panic in his stomach, it just showed how quickly they needed to get this situation under control. A Dean in his right mind would never pass up donuts.

"And?" Dean crossed his arms over his chest and waited impatiently for Sam to go on.

"Um... Well... You're not gonna like it." Sam clenched his jaw.

"What?" Dean motioned for him to continue.

Sam looked at the sidewalk and took a deep breath, "It's ghost sickness."

Dean stared at him for a moment in shock, "Ghost sickness?"

Sam put his hands in his pockets and nodded, "Yeah..."

Dean leaned against the car in defeat, "No..."

Sam nodded again sadly, "Yeah..."

Dean looked at his brother in annoyance, "I don't even know what that is."

Sam nodded, "Okay... Some cultures believe that certain spirits can infect the living with a disease," he started moving his hands around as he spoke, "which is why they stopped displaying bodies in houses and started taking them off to funeral homes."

Dean glared at him in annoyance, "Okay, get to the good stuff."

Sam bit his lips, "Symptoms are... you get anxious..."

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