Chapter 9

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Crowley growled as the child told where he was located. He should have known better than to use a child. Now they would all be heading this way to ruin his fun. It hadn't lasted as long as he wanted it to, but a little fun was better than no fun... And he had gotten some juicy tidbits on the boy. Things he could use.

He stood and dusted his shoulders off. Guess it was time to cut his losses. He didn't particularly look forward to going back to hell. He actually liked being topside. Forgot how much he liked the sky.

As he walked around a bit he heard a door smashing inward behind him. Turning around he saw the boy that had been the object of his tricks.

"You Crowley?" He said in a deep voice growling at the end.

Crowley looked him up and down with a flirty smile, "Depends on who's asking, love. I don't believe we've been introduced. You must be Stiles. I've heard such wonderfully dark things about you. Your sister has been on quite the goose chase looking for you."

"What's your point?" He says defensively, in this state especially it's an instinct to defend the pack, or in this case, family.

"Her, I am well acquainted with. Known her since she was 12, 13. Such a young impressionable age. Especially to be making deals with a demon." A smile spread across his face and he pretended to pick something out of his teeth. "Can I help you with something?"

"Quick or slow. You pick."

"Excuse me?" his smile fell a little and confusion replaced it.

"I asked a question. Quick or slow. Now I'm a nice guy but if you don't pick I'll do it for you."

"Are you threatening me, boy?"

"Just a little." He says being purposely annoying.

The smile returned, "Oh, I like you. We could have all sorts of delicious fun... I wonder what Mr. McCall would think of you right now?"

"Well, first of all hard pass, second of all I don't give a flying flip about what he would think about me right now. Heck I know he would be disgusted. But hey I don't care. And that's your fault too isn't it."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Guilty as charged."

"How about dead as a door nail? Hmm I like that better." He says rolling his shoulders.

"Take your best shot, darling. Show me what you're made of." Crowley held his arms out and smirked at the young man.

Stiles lunged at him, thrusting his claws into the British man's chest and hard and as deep as he could.

Crowley gasped and fell forward. Stiles yanked his claws out and let the man fall to the ground. As he began walking away the old man slowly stood up clapping. "Good try, darling. That one kind of even tickled. Want to do it again?"

Stiles growled low and deep in his chest. He wasn't used to things not staying dead. He leapt at the strange man again and began tearing into him. Crowley coughed up the blood as it pooled in his lungs and laughed as best he could, "It's almost like you've done this before, love."

"See something enough times it gets ingrained into your head pretty dang well. Now why won't you just die!" He roared the last word. His emotions out of whack as it is weren't helping a bit.

"Say it again, but with more growl. Make's my chest tingle." Crowley wagged his eyebrows and winked at the angry wolf boy.

"Shut up!" Stiles roared, clawing at the demon's face, or at least just the mouth. His voice was getting on his nerves. And honestly, tearing something apart felt amazing to him. But every single time it kept mending and that was really, really annoying.

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