Chapter 11

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The adults watched in shock and awe as the two teenagers threw punches and dodged each other. You could tell by watching which one had been practicing the most. Stiles grunted as Jesse landed another hit.

He growled in frustration and tried to push her away. She grinned like a wild woman and grabbed his arm, flipping him over her shoulder with a loud battle cry.

Dean glanced at Buffy with a worried face, "Should... should we stop them? Or give them padded gloves? Or something?"

She shrugged, "They aren't trying to mortally wound each other. I wouldn't worry too much. Jesse has already broken my nose once. I'm not in a huge hurry to let it happen again."

Sam scoffed, "Parents of the year right here." He held his hands up in surrender at the death glares sent his way.

Bobby shook his head at the lot of them, "Bunch of idjits. Unless one of them pulls a knife, let them blow off the steam. They'll learn more about each other right now than they would talkin it out. They both need this. Though Stiles just went through a hard beating, so this can't go on too long." Bobby said with a sigh.

Buffy watched them with a critical eye. After eighteen years of being a trainer, it was hard not to. She recognized Jesse's fighting style. She couldn't place it but she knew that she had fought it before.

Stiles yelled when he was thrown over her shoulder, landing with a huff, before he rolled out of her line of fire. Right before she almost landed a kick. He jumped back up.

"I still won't hit you." He said, going one way and then dodging back as he swiped her feet out from under her. "But I will pin you if I can." He said out of breath.

"Oh honey, it's cute that you think you can pin me. You can barely breathe and I haven't even broken a sweat yet. You're going to have to do better than that wolf boy."

Stiles turned towards the adults. "First, who even told her about Halloween? Second, you all suck, I still have a freaking concussion."

Jesse tackled him.

She pinned his arms to his sides with her legs and held her arm lightly against his neck, "What happened on Halloween? I was talking about your pack. What the heck gave you a concussion? I'll murder it for you."

"That's so sweet. I'm flattered. But did you mean before or after you kill me? And I didn't know you knew about the pack either... Uh... Bobby! I'm gonna puke!"

She rolled her eyes and lifted her fist to punch him again, a concussion never killed anyone. As the group of adults moved to stop her they all paused as the loud roar of a motorcycle turned down the street.

Jesse looked up with a hopeful smile and got off Stiles. She watched the motorcycle as it got closer to the house and was almost bouncing in excitement. If this was who she thought it was, this was about to be a very amusing reunion.

The bike pulled up along the yard and a man got off, taking his helmet off. "SPIKE!" Jesse all but screamed and ran at him full force, nearly knocking him down as she wrapped herself around him in a tight hug.

Stiles pushed himself into a sitting position against the house. Then looked at the started adults with a confused glance. Looking at Sam in particular. "You're right, they really do suck." He said, closing his eyes. Pretty sure he had at least one broken rib. And Jesse's loud shouting didn't even bother him because his ears were already ringing so he could barely hear anything anyway.

The platinum blonde man swung her around and wrapped his arms around her, "Hey peanut. It's been a while." He looked towards the small group and nodded towards them, "Hey, Buffy. It's been even longer."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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