Chapter 6

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"Bobby?" Stiles waved his arm in front of Bobby's face. "Are you in there?" When Bobby raised the knife, Stiles took a quick tentative step back.

Bobby started and looked at Stiles with glassed-over eyes, "You can't see her?"

Stiles shook his head no as Bobby's face contorted into a rage, "That's where you're wrong. He's Dean's boy. He's family. You aren't gonna touch him."

As touching as the statement was, it made no sense. "Bobby, what do you see!? What's going on?" Stiles was starting to feel panicked.

"Don't worry about it boy. Just get ready to fight. It's about to get crowded in here."

Stiles gripped his sword tightly as the window shattered, showering the room with glass. "Seriously, I did not need this today! Don't you bad guys have someone else to annoy!"

A group of monks with scars on their eyes surrounded them. If the situation hadn't been so serious, Stiles might have laughed. One eye looked like a bird had stomped on it and the other looked like a messed up version of Coraline.

"Bobby, do you still see the invisible person?" Stiles said holding his sword as menacingly as he could, but being out of practice as he was he probably looked as stupid as he felt.

Bobby shook his head, "No. She-it's gone." Bobby held his large hunting knife up and readied himself.

Stiles scoffed with a smirk on his face, "Oh it's a she? No wonder you were so distracted."

Bobby gave him a look that Stiles was sure had been practiced on many teenagers, "Seriously boy?"

"I'll shut up now..."

"You do that." Bobby squared his shoulders and took a jab at a monk that had gotten too close, "Lets hope you can use that sword as well as you can run your mouth."

"Um, hope might not be enough." Stiles says slashing at a monk that tried to get closer. "You see I'm a bit out of practice, trying to be normal and all. You typically don't practice sword play as lacrosse practice." Stiles said, his voice filled with sarcasm.

"Of course you were. Well, just remember the pointy end goes into the bad guy." Bobby's voice dripped with even more if that was possible. Stiles shook his head, he liked this old man.

"I thought you were good at teaching, that's lesson negative zero. I know a bit more than that. Like-" Stiles parried the Jambiya blade (Weird curved knife) that had been aimed right for Bobby's back. "That." Stiles said with a small pant and a small smile.

"You know you're supposed to be watching my back anyways right? That's on you." Bobby raised an eyebrow and gave the boy a small smile. "You should be watching your front too, so that this," He grabbed Stiles by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back as another blade came at them, "doesn't get you."

"Thanks for the wisdom grandpa, if you trained my dad how is he still alive?" Stiles said with fake distress in his voice.

"Har, har, har. I can see you got his sense of humor... As in none." He blocked another jab and punched the monk in the nose, sending him flying back into the surrounding group.

"Great comeback, but don't strain yourself thinking too hard... and Dean must be great with dad jokes. As are you by the way." Stiles said, ducking a blade that literally went right over his head.

"Well if you think that's good, wanna hear a joke about paper? Never mind. It's tearable." Bobby laughed at himself as he knocked a few other mocks back and tried to maneuver himself and the boy towards the broken window.

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