Chapter 2

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Stiles looked out the window grimly, why was this his life?

The mountain ash was no use to him and currently, he didn't have anything else. And no way was he jumping out the window.

When Scott was bitten Stiles was pulled back into the freaky world of the supernatural. But on the other side of things. Not the hunter anymore, more the hunted.

Throughout his time in the wolf pack, through good and bad, he always felt an ache knowing that it was his fault everything had happened this way.

When he heard about the half of the body they found on the trails he knew this was his chance to get some practice, so in case he was actually in a life and death situation he would have some more recent training to go on. Also, he would stop the thing from hurting others.

Was it good or bad that came to him as an afterthought...?

But anyway, the training he had when he was younger was lacking. And without his partner in crime, it just wasn't worth it anymore. Being 7 and finding out the things that go bump in the night and the whispers under his bed were real was not a great experience.

He along with his sister tried to tell others. To get someone to believe them. But no one did. Until one guy, he didn't tell Stiles his name. Stiles ended up calling him Mr. Mystery, Mystery Man, or (M&M) because he was so mysterious and always had candy for the two, it just fit him well.

But this guy M&M told them that he believed them. That they weren't crazy. Which made them happy that they weren't losing their minds at the young age of 7 while also scaring them because the things they saw were real. Part of Stiles had actually hoped he was crazy.

This man had weapons, powders, books, and all sorts of things. Along with some very sharp knives. Stiles' eyes immediately went to the knives, specifically the one that was behind the others. From the looks of it on purpose.

He pulled it out looking at the weird-looking knife that looked more like a really long pointing stake. The man was busy showing Jess how to cock and load a gun and didn't notice Stiles slipping the large silver knife under his jacket, into a pocket that was perfect for hiding things. He also had the caretaker's phone in there. Another thing he nicked while she wasn't looking.

Stiles kept his interest in the knives as the man turned his attention to him. Giving Stiles a look.

"Show me your hand." He said in a gruff voice. At first, Stiles thought he caught him. But when he gave his hand to the man, he grabbed a decent-sized knife. With a serrated edge, black steel, and a solid grippy handle. Along with a sheath for it. He gave him two more knives. A smaller one and one that looked like a mini sword. All of them were black with their own sheaths going on different places of his body.

The man showed him how the small one was a throwing knife, the serrated one was for more mundane purposes. Good for cutting ropes and sawing. The last one was a tactical knife, good for fighting monsters.

After the sheathes were in place and mostly hidden but reachable the man started to train them with the weapons he gave them. He had already cleaned their adoption house of the monsters that had been plaguing it. Which was more than he expected. While at the same time training the small kids.

He was surprised that he was starting to get attached. As the boy and girl looked to him to confirm if they did good or not, he felt like how a dad should when raising their kids. Like how he wished he did with Sam and Dean.

This was wrong, right? He couldn't get attached... But he did, he fell deeper and deeper. They were both 9 now and always sneaking out to train more. Getting better with the weapons they began with and with some others.

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