Chapter 8

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The small group of young women crept around town, taking stock of everything that was going on. So far it seemed as if everyone who had dressed up was affected. There were princesses passed out in the grass. There were cowboys shooting guns into the air. There were monsters chasing parents. It was total chaos. Probably what whoever had done this was hoping for.

With the whole town gone crazy, they figured the best route, for now, was to find Buffy's son. They made their way into the forest, keeping a lookout for anyone, or thing, that resembled a werewolf.

It didn't take them long. There was a screaming-like noise coming from deep in the woods. The sight of a man with a disfigured face, dark sideburns, and glowing eyes VS a mountain lion fighting wasn't one any of them would forget anytime soon.

It wasn't long before the mountain lion was in pieces at the feet of the werewolf. The cursed boy happily licked his lips, his fangs visible, and began munching on the pieces. Hoping for something to stop this anger, blood lust and hunger that had consumed him.

They crept upon him as silently as they could, not really wanting to fight the boy. He stopped eating and looked around, ears twitching for any sound. They all froze. He slowly stood up, covered in blood, the heartbeats of the slayers behind him pounding through his ears. Tempting him. The smell of their blood sending him into a whole new kind of frenzy which brought a small crazed smile to his lips.

Turning around he gave them the evil smile, his fangs coming through, as he smelled what he wanted as his next meal.

"Nice night," he said, growling as he changed his stance to one where he was obviously going to pounce. Growling lowly he waited for them to make the first move.

"Alright Stiles, we don't want to hurt you.-"

"Well that sucks because I want to hurt you," he interrupted. Growling again.

The dark-haired one that Buffy had put in control of the group started laughing, "Oh honey. It's cute that you think you can hurt us." She stood up and smirked at him. "You're strong, and not to be rude or anything, but, you're nothing compared to what we take down on a regular basis. Now," she pulled out a tranq gun, "we can do this the hard way, or the super-easy way. Which would you prefer?"

"Hmm, neither, let's go my way." He lunged towards her, swiping his claws at her. She dodged them with a half-crazed laugh and kicked him square in the chest, throwing him back into a tree.

Kennedy pulled the gun up and prepared to shoot a dart into the young man. Her hand began to shake as the gun forced itself away from Stiles. The gun fell from her hand and her arms seemed to be fastened to her sides. The other women with her seemed to be in the same predicament.

A small group of people came out from the shadows and began to cackle. It was a group of girls who had turned into witches. The tallest one gave them a creepy smile and nodded to Stiles, who was shaking the dizziness from his head, "Mr. Stilinski, Lord Crowley sends his regards and has asked us to protect you tonight."

Stiles looked at them, a smile slowly growing on his face. His teeth poked out as if they were growing larger. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't need protection." Without warning he leaped towards the nearest witch, claws extended, going in for the kill.

The witches scattered, breaking the spell on the slayers. The slayers lept at him, knocking him away from the witches. They doubted that he would appreciate waking up from this nightmare, knowing that he had killed some innocent kid.

He rounded on them and swiped, catching Violet in the shoulder. She pulled away in pain as blood started to pour down her arm. She tried to put pressure on the wound and hissed at the boy as he laughed and licked the blood off his claws. Sighing in contentment at the blood hitting his tongue.

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