Chapter 5

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FJesse smiled down at him from the tree branch she was sitting in. "Stiles is a scaredy cat! Stiles is a scaredy cat!" She hollard down in a sing-song voice.

He glared up at her and stomped his foot, "I am not! Your just stupid!"

She let out a little cackle and shook her head, "You're just mad that M&M is going to be more prouder of me than you. I can climb like a million more feet than you can. You're just a useless scaredy cat. It's okay though. I'll be more braver for the both of us."

He kicked the tree, "I don't need you to be braver for me! I'm not a scaredy cat!"

Her smile fell a little and she grabbed the branch under her. "Don't do that Stiles. You're making the tree shake."

"I thought you were more braver?" He gave her an evil grin and began shaking the tree, "Does this scare you?"

She gripped the tree branch with her legs and arms, "Stiles! Stop! I'm gonna fall!"

"Who's the scaredy cat now?" He gave the tree one final shake and watched in horror as Jesse began falling to the ground.

As she hit the ground the scene shifted to a shooting range, the targets at the far end and three figures at the other. Jesse sat pouting, her arm in a cast. She stuck her tongue out at Stiles as M&M handed a bow to him.

"These aren't that hard to use, son. You notch the arrow, draw back, and let it fly. Once you got that down, we'll move on to aiming." The older man patted him on the shoulder.

Stiles looked at the bow in hand. It didn't feel right, and with his hands shaking slightly he knew he would never get the aim right. He looked up at M&M with an already defeated face. "I can't do this."

Jesse sighed dramatically, "I told you. He's a useless scaredy cat. If he hadn't broken my arm, I'd be able to do it, like, super fast."

M&M sighed and patted her head, affectionately, "I know sweetie, but why don't we give him a chance?"

"She's right though." He mumbled.

M&M turned dark, angery, eyes towards him, "Shoot the bow, boy. Or you'll be sitting here all night long."

Stiles' lip began to tremble, he hated that he was disappointing M&M. He only wanted to make him proud.

M&M rolled his eyes and sneered at him, "You going to cry now? Wow. You really are a useless scaredy cat. No wonder no one wants you."

Jesse started laughing. "See, he likes me better, even though my arm's busted! Guess now's as good a time as any to let you know, he's adopting me and we're leaving you here."

Stiles' stomach dropped and tears welled up in his eyes then the scene changed again. This time it was on a familiar field. Scott handed him a stick, "Come on Stiles. We need to practice if we're going to be good enough for highschool."

"Scott, I don't really want to do this." Stiles said, looking around the field confused for a moment. Then he looked back at Scott.

"Come on, It will be fun, maybe if we get good, girls will actually like us!" Scott said with an excited smile.

"Scott, I know that I can't do this, I've never been able to hit a target, much less score a goal." Stiles said, trying to give the stick back.

Scott sighed and smiled at him picking up another stick for him to use. "That's alright we'll suck at this together. And besides, people can't just expect you to be good. That's why we're practicing."

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