Classic, Stupid Tom

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        "Try to remain in a single-file line! I SAID SINGLE-FILE! Thank you!" Mariah practically screeched at Tord's marching-army through her megaphone. Tom and Bing waited for the army to completely pass them by before finally peeking out of their hiding-place behind the ruins of what was once a building. The two then suddenly ducked back behind the barely-standing, brick wall once they saw Mariah stomping back towards their general direction.

        "No! No! NO! Mend those tables! Fix those chairs!

        RIGHT NOW!" Mariah once again demanded with the use of her megaphone as she stomped past Tord's hidden enemies, none-the-wiser.

        "Alright, according to my calculations: There is one, more possible place Tord could be..." Bing whispered to Tom before releasing a sigh.

        "Is this even a good idea? Can he even be reasoned with?" Bing then tried to convince Tom to rethink his initial plans after they had heard Leila's story.

        "I don't know! The bloke ran into a bloody pole!" Tom reminded Bing with frustration clear in his voice. Both men briefly became quiet once they could overhear Mariah talking on her Cellphone.

        "No, I won't be half-naked and "cursing;" I'll be completely naked and I won't curse..." Mariah reassured The Edd-Clone over the phone with a roll of her eyes before finally leaving Tom and Bing alone within the area.

        "But we have to try...Especially since this is all my fault..." Tom then insisted with a sigh of his own.

        "Classic, stupid Tom! Classic, Stupid Tom!" The two were then startled by a raspy voice's chanting as they quickly turned around to see The Hat-Box Ghost animatronic from Disney's Haunted Mansion ride slowly approaching them with the severed head of Rebby clutched firmly by the hair within its skeletal grasp. Tom's face began to turn pale as he quickly began to walk away from the animatronic, grabbing ahold of the brick-wall that he and Bing had been hiding behind, for support as he strived to contain his nausea.

        "Tord is so messed up!" Bing was equally as disturbed as he approached the animatronic in order to remove Rebby's head with the intention of giving her as respectful of a burial as he could without the rest of her body. However, both Tom and Bing were caught off guard when The Hatbox Ghost suddenly exploded the moment Bing managed to move Rebby's head by just an inch.

        "Bing!" Tom cried out in horror as he turned to see Bing lying on the ground with shards of metal imbedded into his face and his right-arm severed from his body. Bing began to scream and cry as Tom rushed to his aid, removing his belt in order to tie it around the stub where Bing's arm use to be. In December 2006, Edd would be absent online for the next month in order to attend a series of Chemo-Therapy treatments. It had only been a week and Tord already greatly missed Edd. Tord was also stricken with worry for his best-friend but he was not the only one as Tom had been harboring the same feelings as Tord.

        Out of boredom, Tom began to playfully tease Tord through SheezyArt's private-messaging system. At first, Tord was taken by surprise until he remembered that Tom only saw this form of teasing as a game. With a smirk, Tord began to playfully tease Tom in return. For nearly a week, the two would continue to tease each other for amusement, Tord remaining oblivious to the fact that Tom was beginning to grow genuinely frustrated with Tord's remarks on his religion. When Tom began to make vent-art about how much he missed Edd and how much he hated being stuck with Tord of whom he found to be boring, Tord became inspired by Tom's art to create a comic of which depicted Tom being killed by Tord, himself.

        Naturally, Young-Tom was disturbed by Tord's kill-art which resulted in him blocking Tord on all of his Social-Medias at the time. Tom's reaction would cause Tord to panic out of fear that he would be ousted from Edd's friend-group for going too far whilst picking on Tom. After deleting the comic, Tord would go on to send Edd a private message, begging Edd not to hate him for posting kill-art of one of his best-friends. For the rest of the month, Tord would be wracked with anxiety and barely able to eat as he waited for Edd to return and respond to his message, much to the concern of his siblings. Only when Edd had finally responded with reassurance that he could never hate Tord and that he would talk to Tom, could Tord bring himself to finally relax.

        Even though Tord now viewed Edd as a beacon of hope for his reputation, Tom would insist that Tord had gone too far and would never speak to him again. As Tom reflected on his decisions of the past in the present-day, he now viewed his choice to practically shun Tord as a mistake. After having rushed Bing to the nearest Hospital, Tom approached the ruins of what use to be Old SheezyArt's headquarters where Tord would be waiting for him on what was left of the roof, staring down at Tom with a menacing glare. Next to Tord, stood Paul with his hands handcuffed behind his back so tightly, that his wrists were bleeding.

        "Will it hurt?" Paul softly asked, knowing for certain that Tord was about to bring his life to an end. Tord only remained silently fixated on Tom as The Edd-Clone began to approach his sworn nemesis. Although The Edd-Clone clearly appeared to be anxious, he stepped in front of Tom in order to effectively block his path.

        "I just want to talk to him..." Tom reassured Tord's robotic protector.

        "The time for talking is over..." The Edd-Clone coldly reminded Tom of how Edd had tried and failed to make peace with his two friends long ago. He also reminded him of how stubborn Tom had been when it came to relenting and forgiving Tord.

        "Please..." Tom further begged for one more chance to attempt to make peace with Tord.

        "Join us or Paul dies here and now..." The Edd-Clone then stated Tord's only terms for forgiveness. Tom's only response was to storm past The Edd-Clone before the android could even have a chance to react. Matt of whom had been standing behind Tord, pulled out his Katana in preparation to strike Tom dead only to halt his attack in confusion when Tord raised his hand as a signal for him to stand down.

        "I know you don't care about anyone you killed! Why should you?! What have they even done for you?! I know you're not a monster! You loved Edd more than you've ever loved yourself, more than you love your siblings! Turn yourself in, please!

        If you continue to choose a path of violence, you aren't going to make it out of this alive and I don't want to see you die, Tord!" Tom shouted up to Tord as a final attempt to reason with him. Tom then took a protective step forward when Tord began to approach Paul.

        "If you have any last words, say them now..." Tord whispered into Paul's ear. Paul then shivered at the icy feeling of the barrel of Tord's Kalashnikov being pressed into his spine. Tom's concern only grew as Paul's tear-filled eyes met with his empty sockets.

        "Classic, stupid Tom!" Were Paul's final words before his heart was blown from his chest. Tom quickly turned his back on the horrific scene, feeling as if he were going to be sick again. He flinched once he heard Paul's lifeless body hit the ground behind him with a wet, squishy thud. Tord smirked down at his rival as anger began to boil within Tom. All sympathy for Tord disappeared as Tom stormed away with a grimace.

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