Chapter 1 Carn-Evil

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No one pov:

(y/n) was a 17-year-old teen boy. He is what most people call in his area a greaser. He lives in the poorer side of town. His dad is a bartender and also a dealer at the bar. His mom is a nurse in the local hospital. He has a little brother at the age of 15. He wears jeans and a nice leather jacket. He is a bit of a bad boy but doesn't do too much trouble. He plays cards really well from his dad, checking out places and more. He is very smart at school and its currently summer. He makes bets with the rich kids usually with cards. He wins a lot and doesn't cheat in cards. He had gotten a good amount of money and decided to spend time with his brother at the carnival. 

(y/n) pov:

I had a lot of money currently from all of those bets. I wanted to be nice with (b/n). I decided I will go to the carnival and ask him if he wants to go. I first well let my dad know since mom already left for work.

(y/n): hey dad

(d/n): yes (y/n)?

(y/n): I'm going to the carnival and ask (b/n) if he wants to go

(d/n): okay have fun, me and your mom will be back home late

They have those sometimes, but I didn't care too much. I found (b/n) in the Livingroom.

(y/n): hey (b/n)

(b/n): yes?

(y/n): I'm going to the carnival, want to go? 

He seemed happy.

(b/n): yes please

(y/n): okay let's go before it gets too crowded

We left the house pretty soon. We walked to the carnival. There weren't too many people. I was happy that lot of those rich kids were out of town for driving their cars and hanging out in the big city not far from this one. They always make fun for being middle or lower class which usually lead to a lot of fights. I didn't want to fight with (b/n) around.

(y/n): okay what should we do first?

We first went on the rides. Like the roller coaster, bumper cars, and more. I did rides first so we wouldn't throw up on them with food we will eat. They were pretty good like the kettle corn that I loved. We played games. We got a few small prizes. I am good at the gun game and won a good prize. The prizes (b/n) could give to his friends later. 

(b/n): that was fun (y/n)

(y/n): yeah, but I think I want to play one more game before we go

I noticed there was a dark area in the carnival. (b/n) wanted to stay at a bench till I'm done. I went into that area. There was one game called soul ball. I was curious about. I saw a box of balls to throw. I threw one in the middle hole, and it yelled winner.

(y/n): I like this

I kept doing trick shoots alone in this place.

(b/n) pov:

I was waiting for (y/n) then I noticed a sign by where (y/n) entered. It did say that.

(b/n): play soul ball. A dark game to play if you dare. 

I read more until.

(b/n): have fun in the Carn-Evil... EVIL!

I realized this was a dark game (y/n) needs to know. I got up and ran to find him.

Hell Runner (yandere Helltaker Harem x teenage male reader)Where stories live. Discover now