Chapter 13 Escaping Help

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(y/n) pov:

I was walking on the sidewalk after the mall. Baphomet seemed to be more reasonable than Justice since I can live. I wondered what will happen next. Then I get a strange feeling that I'm being watch but no one was around me.

(y/n): is someone there?

Then I felt something behind me. I somehow saw a strange dark portal. I look into it. I saw another demon, but she had horn similar to Lucifer's, red clothing with bug or fly features, and some spikes in the hair with a bit of red.

 I saw another demon, but she had horn similar to Lucifer's, red clothing with bug or fly features, and some spikes in the hair with a bit of red

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I realized this was different like why in a portal.

(y/n): who are you?

Beelzebub: I am Beelzebub the great fly or the exiled. You must be (y/n) the Hell Runner.

(y/n): Hell Runner?

Beelzebub: you escaped and got away from a lot of demons, didn't you?

(y/n): I did, and it does make sense. Well, I should get going.

I turned around then I felt something hit me. I was in this sticky purple goo that was like rope restraining me. I lost my balance and was on the ground. I managed to sit on my bottom and my legs weren't restrained.

Beelzebub: It took energy out of me to do that. I would like to take you instead and... fuck.

I was confused then I saw Lucifer again.

Lucifer: you haven't even made a bet. He belongs to me.

Modeus: no, me

Then soon all of the girls I met today and yesterday came and they were all arguing about who gets me. I was getting annoyed by this. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I almost yelled but I turned my head to see (b/n).

(y/n): oh, it's you. You need to get out of here.

(b/n): I'm going to cut you out

He had a knife I gave him for his birthday. He began to cut me out. I feel like it was working from me being looser. I feel nervous that the girls might see.

(y/n): hurry up, I don't know how long till they stop and notice us

He finally got me out. I got that purple stuff off of me. I got up and picked up (b/n). I was faster than him and I ran. I didn't stop running till we got home. Mom actually forgot about the talk. I told him what happened. He was surprised.

(y/n): anyway, thanks for the help little brother

(b/n): your welcome. You helped me get out of situations before so I thought of returning the favor. I also didn't want you to be taken or kidnapped by demons.

We went to bed. I thought before sleeping.

(y/n) in mind: what is going to happen now?

No one pov:

When the boys got away the girls soon realized he got away.

Zdrada: he is one slippery bastard

Pandemonica notice the cuts made on the purple stuff.

Pandemonica: he had help

They looked and realized she was right. Cerberus had the sent and found where (y/n) lives. They had an idea on what to do. It will be done tomorrow, and they know he can't get out of this one.

Hell Runner (yandere Helltaker Harem x teenage male reader)Where stories live. Discover now