Chapter 2 Soul Bet

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No one pov: 

Since (y/n) found the game, it alerted something in hell itself. There are other games like these that would literally suck your soul. Demons and other beings in hell would sometimes have a special hell coin that with it, they have a chance to get that soul and use for whatever they want. It happens sometimes and everyone only puts one coin. Some demons and an angel got notified and arrived at the betting room.

Modeus: finally, another one

Pandemonica: those machines on earth keep getting destroyed and soon there won't be anymore

There was a screen to show (y/n). The girls there were now very interested in this boy. They thought he was handsome and fun to have someone so young.

Baphomet: well, I will bet on this cutie

Pandemonica: I could use an assistant and...

She took a sip of coffee.

Pandemonica: a fun toy

Modeus: I want to do so many things to him. I might have to break his knees just in case.

Malina: I want a drinking and gamer buddy. I rather not have you as his smoking buddy. 

Zdrada: I also want to fuck him and more things. He looks bit more like my type than any of you.

Azazel: I would like to study this. I could get him to be better and more.

Justice: I can't see, but he seems cool from how you say about him

Judgement: I could have someone to have fun with after each day of my job

Lucifer: his soul will be mine and I can't wait to have a hell of a time with him

Baphomet: if you win

They each place a coin in a slot machine. They waited for him to lose and were surprised he kept winning.

Malina: he's good. If he keeps winning, then he might leave before we get him

Lucifer: he must lose at least once

Then (y/n) just lost. 

Zdrada: finally, time to get my boyfriend

Cerberus: in your dreams, he will be our mate

Judgement: we'll see about that

(y/n) pov:

I just lost one.

(y/n): oh well

Then I noticed the machine was acting weird. Then I saw some weird stuff like dust coming from the sides.

(y/n): I have a bad feeling about this


He ended up pushing me and we both landed on the ground on our backs.

(y/n): (b/n) what do you...

I saw the machine was sucking air like a hurricane.

(y/n): what the hell?

We were on the side of the machine and didn't get caught in it. I saw a warning side on the side.

(y/n): warning. If you lose once in this game, then your soul will be sucked and given to a demon or demons. Thanks for playing.

Then the machine finally stopped and it kind of tore itself apart. Me and (b/n) got up to see the destroyed game.

(y/n): let's get out of here

We got out of the carnival and (b/n) still seemed shocked.

(y/n): well, that was fun. We played games, go on rides, and ate good food.

(b/n): you also owe someone your soul

(y/n): I'm not too worried about it. The game didn't get my soul and besides, it's only one soul and what's the problem with one soul?

No one pov:

The girls in hell lost their coin and no one got the soul they wanted. They were upset or pretty mad.

Zdrada: damnit that kid 

Pandemonica: the machine destroyed itself from no soul going in

An imp servant came.

Imp: well, that's the first anyone escaped this game

Lucifer: he didn't escape. He played the game and he lost. Looks like we might have to take him ourselves.

They refused to let him go so easily. (y/n) can run but he can't hide from them.

Hell Runner (yandere Helltaker Harem x teenage male reader)Where stories live. Discover now