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P.O.V. Narrator

- Talk about anything, I don't know, like, pretend we're talking. - the young woman asked, almost begging.

- Uh, okay... - Jonathan hesitated, not knowing what to say and quickly checking the distance of the boy behind Mad - so back to what we were talking about earlier today, Alice in Chains, this... Are you into the grunge scene or do you just like this band?

Madison breathed a sigh of relief because the boy answered her call for help and brought up a subject.

- Oh, I think so, I like the grunge scene, Soundgarden, maybe a little bit of Pearl Jam, but it's not exactly what I really like - replied the girl, taking a drag on her cigarette to "disguise" - I like Alice in Chains more cause of the sludge thing than the band has.

- It's not something I usually listen, but here in California this scene seems to be growing, I don't know, like, in the bars and some places where we play there's always a sludge or stoner or both of them band... - the guy replied, keeping the conversation going while his friends just watched silently, still not quite understanding what was happening.

- Yes, I really like the Californian stoner doom scene, bands like Kyuss and Sleep are my thing. - said Mad, taking another drag on her cigarette.

- Madison? What are you doing here? - Thomas' voice came from behind the girl, making her stomach churn with jitters.

- Oh, hi Thomas... I'm doing what I said I would come to... - she replied, referring to the cigarette.

- Oh, got it... I didn't know you and Jonathan knew each other. - he said in a questioning tone.

- Yeah... We know each other, but it's for work reasons and professional occupation...

- Do you work with corpses? A funeral home or something? - The boy continued stupidly questioning her.

- No, no. I work in a search and rescue squad and, unfortunately, from time to time, we deal with accidents where the victims end up, you know, dying... Anyway, I came here because I wanted to know about the whereabouts of a woman who died in an accident. We took her body to the morgue, but we didn't know exactly what caused the poor girl's death. - the young woman lied to Thomas, trying to get rid of the boy's questions once and for all.

- Okay, I understand it... Apparently you're already busy at the moment. I thought we could talk outta here, away from the crowd, but you already have someone with you, and what a date, huh? - Thomas said in a mocking tone.

Madison started to lose patience with that idiocy, she tried to be polite, to get away without being too direct and didn't know where that boy got the audacity to talk to her like that, so she decided to return it in the same coin.

- Yes, I'm already busy here, I'm glad you noticed it. - replied acidly.

- Alright then. I think that girls who smoke are fucking disgusting, anyway... - he snapped.

- Fuck off boy, when did I ask you what the fuck you liked? If you're trying to say that you're disgusted with me, I want you to know that it's an honor that a clown like you doesn't like me. - Madison replied once again, tired of pretending, throwing the lit half of the cigarette on the floor and stepping on it to put it out.

Jonathan's friends watched the discussion behind her with a shocked expression and complete silence, while Jonathan himself was trying hard not to laugh of Thomas' face, he was watching the girl blasting that boy with a feeling of pure satisfaction.

Thomas just turned his back glaring at Madison, not knowing what to say, and headed towards the bar again, letting only one word come out of his mouth:

- Whore.

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