CHAPTER 9 - Part I

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Bakersfield, California - Winter of 1993

P.O.V. Narrator

It was just another ordinary week of February for Madison, the girl had managed to gather some extra money after the holidays as a freelancer, but she still had no idea what she wanted to do in her life, what career she would pursue, what field she would look for a job in, these kind of things. What she wanted most was to get out of her family house, to be able to live a life away from her daily nightmares, but without a steady job that wouldn't be possible anytime soon.

The young woman heard the home phone ring in the living room and went to answer it, feeling relieved to do it as soon as she recognized the voice on the other side of the line..

- Hello? I'd like to talk to Madison. - it was Fieldy's voice on the phone.

- Hi Fieldy, it's me. - Mad answered.

It was the second time Fieldy called in the three months that had passed since she'd slept at Jonathan's house. The first time it was her mother who answered the phone, which led to an interrogation after the call as she didn't like men calling her house looking for Madison. The girl's mother was kind of overprotective, maybe it was her only way of showing affection, as she didn't do it very well (in fact, terribly) in other ways.

- So, tomorrow me and the guys are going to that bar after a rehearsal, I was wondering if you'll be there.

- Well, until then I wasn't thinkin' about going there with my friends this weekend. - Mad replied in a low tone because she didn't want anyone eavesdropping on her phone conversation.

- Got it. Well, I thought maybe I'd find you there. Anyway, if you're not busy, and if you want to, we'll be at the bar around 9pm. I can take you back home later and in case you don't have a place to sleep you already know that it's safe here too. Oh, and there will be other women with us, the girlfriend of two of our bandmates that you haven't met will still be there, so don't worry.

- 'kay. - Mad replied, pondering about the invitation. She would like to go, but she felt a certain fear of meeting new people. Even so, she decided to give it a go. She hadn't had fun in a while and really wanted to go out and have a drink - I'll go then, see ya tomorrow. - the girl replied quickly, still avoiding being heard.

- Okay, see you. - Fieldy said goodbye and ended the call.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Saturday - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seven young adults were sitting at a table in the bar, five of them members of the newly formed band Korn, which had only a few shows scheduled. Beside these guys there were two young women accompanied them.

- We got here earlier than I expected. You guys actually did a decent rehearsal. - said Fieldy, referring to the other four men at the table.

- It's much better than I imagined and looks good enough for the show next month. - replied Jonathan, who was the lyricist and vocalist of the band.

- Guys, I called that girl who usually comes here, Madison, to join us. She said she's coming, so by the time I guess she's almost there. - Fieldy said to the group at the table and noticed a strange reaction coming from Jonathan - Hey, any problem bro?

- Not at all, I just didn't expect you to call her... But wait, how did you talk to her? Do you have her number?

- Yes, he asked for her number that day at your house - Head replied, laughing at the situation - I think Fieldy liked her, huh?

- Shut the fuck up Head. She's a good person and I know you thought so too. In my opinion we're in need of feminine graces, I can't stand hanging out with only men anymore, you guys are too sick sometimes, we need to balance this shit. - Fieldy replied, snickering - And you don't know how friendship works, Head. Where would the respect be if I wanted to take Jonathan's girl? He saw the girl first, it would be very impolite of me.

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