Chapter 2

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                   •Stuck in a room•

Lolbit's pov:

I finally was able to see, but i was in a different room...i am so confused, where am i? Is this where my existing ends? And most importantly WILL I EVER GET OUT!? I have so many questions running through my head, right now i mostly try thinking plans how i would be able to get out of this room, but i am sadly thinking that all these attempts what i am thinking of will fail with no chances of successfully working...i am wondering what time it is because i have no idea how long i was out for i could of been days, hour or minutes! Thankfully i am not tied up so i can do things, but i have to stay quiet all the time so no-one will find out about my escape and if they will then i will be out of here before they find out „it's not like this place is giant or anything like i would get lost” i think to myself „besides i have plenty of time to try getting out of this room, because there sure are lots of stuff here what could help me out like pats, pots, pans and everything else! I first have to try opening the door in case it's unlocked so i wouldn't be stupid” so i try opening the door but it won't open, what meant i have to break it down...

~17 minutes later~

Oh come on! I have literally tried almost everything and this stupid door still won't open!” i search for something that would help and find a screwdriver „I know that a screwdriver is a small thing but its like a strong metal stick and i could use it to stab the door! And hopefully this works, i mean the door is just made out of wood i have no idea why the pans didn't break it but i can now stab it with a screwdriver” i try stabbing the door and i think i hit it too hard in the door, because it got stuck in the door and i tried pulling it out and if i did it took a minute for me get it out...

~a half hour later~

This is taking ages until i break the door down! „That's it! I am gonna run against the door until it breaks and i will kick it too for extra help!” i told myself in my head so i started running and kicking the door what actually happened to help me 4x than the screwdriver. I kicked and ran at the door until it finally broke down and i was free from that room! I am so happy now that i broke out of that stupid small room it was like 5 cm² big...since i got out i started walking around looking for an exit out of that underground looking place, but i don't find one and it's a little difficult to find it because i don't know where i am...

~14 minutes later~

I've been looking for an exit for 14 minutes and still haven't found it, it's like i am stuck in a endless simulation! I see 4 doors the doors have green lights on top of them, i guess i can enter those doors because green means go...but every door has a different icon on them, the very left one has a red bear icon, on the right side of it is a weird dark blue icon I don't know what animal is that supposed to be...on the other side there are 2 more doors, the very right one has a pink chicken looking icon on it and next to it there is a green crocodile icon on the chicken door's left, but what is the dark blue one? I am not gonna trying to go in the dark blue, green or pink one because i have never met or seen a chicken, crocodile or that weird dark blue icon animatronic...but the bear one must be a freddy, i only recognise the bear icon since in the place where i come from there are 2 bears yendo and funtime freddy. But is it dangerous? I will only find out if i go in there, but it's very risky, i don't know what could happen if i go in that door , but i am also very curious about it „maybe nothing is gonna happen? Animatronics don't hurt other animatronics or do they? Well i think this is the only way out by going in that door...” i was completely nervous but i still went through that door, it was a automatic door it opened just right when i walked near it. When the door opened then i went inside of it and it leaded me into a hallway...i really didn't want to know what will happen if i keep going straight, but i really wanted to get out so i kept going until i saw a elevator, i approached the elevator and saw a red button with a bear icon on it, of course i pressed it because why not? The elevator doors opened and i went inside...there were only 2 button one was pointing down and the other one was pointing up, i pressed the button what was pointing up and the elevator doors closed and it started going up. The elevator even started playing music and i was pretty much enjoying the music until the elevator stopped and the music stops. The doors open...i walk out and find myself in a room what looks like a storage room like the one where i was before but it didn't have so many stuff in it and it was a different shape, i noticed a weird station thing in that room as well it was red it had black and white square road on the very top of it, a window, door and a glowing lightning bolt under the window. I also saw a lack of boxes and a little vent just like in the custom night area! But i was still confused where i am because this isn't the pizzaria i am from, it's a weird and unknown place to me. I see a door so i walk towards it but i had no idea how i would be able to get through it „maybe i should knock in case someone is in that room and i wouldn't disturb them when they are in that room...but wait if i knock it will also disturb them! How could i get out without disturbing them?” i was a little stupid cause i had forgotten that there was a vent but it was too late...i already knocked on the door...i heard someone approaching the door...they pressed something and the door opened, the person who opened the door was freddy! I some reason felt weird so i was avoiding eye contact with him cause i was a little nervous what would happen next. Then suddenly the silence was cut off „who are you?” the bear asked me, i was a little shy to answer, i tried to say answer his question but in stead i was stuttering h-hello, m-my name i-is l-lolbit...” i managed to stutter, the bear looked at me and smiled „nice to meet you lolbit, i am name is freddy fazbear but you can call me glamrock freddy or just freddy, do you mind if i ask you some questions?” „a couple of questions isn't that bad or is it?” i think to myself and stutter „n-no, i d-don't mind at all b-besides i wouldn't have a-anything to d-do a-anyway” he smiles and starts asking me questions, first question what he asked was „why is your voice so glichy?” „m-my voice box i-is a little b-broken but it's n-nothing cause i c-can still talk ” i answered, he looked surprised that my voice box is a little broken, it doesn't seem like he thinks it's a little, it looks like he thinks it's a lot „Why doesn't anyone fix you voice box if it's so glichy?” i looked shocked „you get fixed!?” he was stunned what i asked him „yes, in this place the performance animatronics get fixed but the one's that are too damaged to get fixed...they will be decommissioned...” there was silence for a couple of seconds and i broke the silence „oh that bad...the place where i come from, there people don't fix the animatronics unless it's a little problem on the animatronic's programming or a part has came off, if a animatronic has a big problem in their programming or a big damage some where on their body then they will get replaced and some of their parts will be taken away, the unlucky ones are the ones, who's almost whole body will be taken apart...” i said in sadness „is that why you don't have any eyes?” the bear asked me „now this is where you can be wrong and right at the same time. My eyes were taken away but i was still being able to see, so i like have 2 extra eyes” i was a little confused about it too so i couldn't really find any other explonation besides that one i don't remember what even happened to my eyes, then the bear said „you must consider yourself very lucky, the designs this place has, including my design, we have only 2 eyes and if our eyes got taken out we won't see anything and we'd be blind until we get new eyes or the same eyes back” „then i should consider myself lucky” i smiled happily „i have one last question for you” the bear told me „spit it out, i'm listening” i told him happily and he smiled and asked „what animal animatronic are you? You look like a cat, wolf combination.”
He chuckled a little, i responded laughing a little „i'm a fox, dummy, i don't look anything like a wolf or a cat.” „to me you do look like a wolf and a cat at the same time a little, i haven't seen a fox animatronic before,  i only have seen a chicken, alligator, rabbit, wolf animatronic, including a bear animatronic, cause i have a mirror in my room” i looked at him and accidentally made eye contact a couple of seconds and asked „a wolf animatronic?” „yeah” he said. I ask him „why not a fox?” he looked at me so i looked away to avoid eye contact with him again, he said „i do not know why they didn't make a fox animatronic for performances on stage, maybe they thought a wolf is cooler than a fox” „well that's where they are wrong, people usually say that foxes are sly and stuff like that and these people thought that a wolf is cooler than a fox? Geez where did they come from? From space?” „that's not a very nice thing to say about humans.”
sorry glamrock freddy...i thought i was a little funny to say that...” i got a little sad about it „it's okay don't be sad we all sometimes say things that others don't want to hear...but will you even come in my room, your just standing in the dark room like you are a dark shadow waiting for my lights to turn off.” he chuckled, what he said was funny so i giggled about it „yeah your right, i am just standing in this dark room” so i walk out of the dark backroom and look around his room „woah! I have never seen a cool room like this before and look at all of these adorable plushies of yourself, i'm so jealous about how cool your room is, but i never had a room all what i had was a stage in a dark room with tables, chairs and balloon and at the day time, i would be preforming on the  stage and just watch how all the kids play together, at night i would be have to be on my stage but i never was until the night guard came and control shocked me so i would me having to get ready for the next showtime, now since i was replaced i am just hanging out in a area where only staff can go in.” „that must be very sad how you were replaced...” „yeah i miss preforming and watching the kids play...but i don't know if i will ever go back to where i came from, that place is abandoned now and i got caught by some i'm basically just stuck here until i find the exit and a plan how to escape, but i don't think i want to do that, this place is already cool enough to make me want to stay.
„then you are just like the kids, they also never want to leave but they have to, they just can't stay here forever.” „yeah the kids never wanted to leave me as well but they had to... that's all in the past tough because i am not a performance animatronic anymore like i use to be.” freddy was silent for a couple of minutes and then said „i got an idea but i don't know if it will work...” i immediately got interest what idea he got „tell me, i already got interest of it” then he said „maybe we could talk to one of the workers and ask if they could do something so you would preform again, what's your instrument anyway?” „that would be a hood idea...but i don't play instruments, i more likely sing to the kids since my voice is pretty voice bix is a little broken so i don't sound that beautiful like i use to sound...” „don't worry, i can ask the head mechanic if he could fix your voice, i think he will probably even decide to make you a backup singer, don't you think”
sounds good for me, that's actually a brilliant idea of yours!” i turned happy again and my tail started wagging and i wiggle my ears because of joy, i also noticed how Freddy's ears wiggled and it was adorable, i didn't even know he could wiggle his ears too.

Freddy's pov:

I just met this pretty cool fox animatronic, she seems very nice and i asked her questions, she answered them like none of the questions made her feel uncomfortable or anything...she even told me that she use to be on stage and watch all the kids play, talking about that good memory she had made her sad cause she was replaced and hearing that i felt bad for her...but i got an idea to ask the head mechanic if he could fix lolbit's voice box and maybe the mechanic will offer her to be a backup singer. I am planning to do that tomorrow before the show starts.

(A/n: hopefully people already enjoy this story and i'll see you in the next chapter!)

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