Chapter Fourteen

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Moonshade watched Stonewhisker wrap comfrey, marigold, and cobweb around her paw. She had disposed of the little rock after she cut her paw, and wasted no more time pondering on who put it there. Moonshade went over her mental list.

Herontail will be coming, and so will Duskpelt, Slightshadow, Treeclaw, and Twistsnout.

Marigoldheart, Whiskerear, Tulipheart, Myrtletail, Leafnose, Mother, Morningflame, and Litchenfeather will not. My kits, Whiskerear's kits, Mintnose, Greenlight, and Twinklepelt will come as well.

Moonshade nodded to herself. "You done yet?" Stonewhisker meowed harshly. "Or are you still reminiscing on all the thistlefluff in your brain?" Moonshade shook her head, banishing the Gathering list in her head. She turned to Stonewhisker. "Thank you. Please, after you finish up here, can you please look at Laurelstar? She was coughing quite a lot..." Stonewhisker looked down. "I know. She's starting to show her age-" Moonshade nearly bit him. "NO! She's not showing any sort of age! She is not going to... going to..." Moonshade's eyes suddenly filled with moisture. What if Laurelstar actually died? Moonshade would have to fill her place as leader... Moonshade blinked her eyes rapidly.

"Thank you, yet again, for your assistance." Then she bolted for the door, keeping her injured paw off the ground. Moonshade hobbled out of the Medicine den, and leaped- as much as she could- up the Highledge. She opened her mouth to call cats together, but stopped. Many cats were out patrolling and hunting. Shadepaw, Herontail, Meadowpaw and Treeclaw were the only ones in camp. Moonshade jumped down clumsily and padded over to them, and watched Meadowpaw and Shadepaw square up against each other. As soon as the mock battle started, it was interrupted. "Moonshade!" Stonewhisker was calling her. Too bad Greyleaf is out gathering herbs. Moonshade walked away from her kits, giving them both a proud nod- to show them she wasn't walking away out of disappointment- and bowed her head to Stonewhisker. "What is it now?" She asked, sounding harsher than she intended. The ancient medicine cat took no notice. "Fetch Laurelstar. I need her." Moonshade nodded. It was probably for her leader's health. Moonshade walked up to the Highledge, again, and bounded up the rock face as well as she could. "Laurelstar?" Moonshade called into her leader's den. No answer. She called again. "Laurelstar?" Still no answer. She padded inside, expecting for her leader to be sprawled out, ice cold, but she wasn't. She was asleep. Moonshade dipped her head to her sleeping friend. She went back to Stonewhisker. "Well, where is she?" He meowed grumpily. "Sleeping." Moonshade replied. Stonewhisker huffed angrily. "Fine then. I've had a ... prophecy." Moonshade widened her eyes, too speechless to contradict him. Stonewhisker, without being asked, repeated whatever mystic mumbo-jumbo he had heard from Starclan.

"Paws of Chaos, clawing at the threads, that seperate clans from many threats. Perfected darkness will save us from them, the too many eyes and too many ends."

Moonshade blinked once, twice. "Wow. Who-" Stonewhisker held up a paw. "No questions. I haven't figured it out myself. I'll go and see Laurelstar when she wakes. Leave me now." Moonshade ducked out of the medicine den. She sat on a small rock, and watched one of the hunting patrols arrive. "I have to do it one line at a time." Moonshade murmured to herself. She pondered the prophecy.

Paws of Chaos, clawing at the threads, that seperate clans from many threats.

"That obviously means that the so-called 'Paws of Chaos' are breaking the barrier between the threats and the clans."

Perfected darkness will save us from them, the too many eyes and too many ends.

"I don't know who the 'Perfected darkness' is, but apparently they're a hero. Too many eyes... it might mean too many witnesses? Or too many cats. Too many ends... I have no idea."

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