ʚɞ One - Average day ʚɞ

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Green Hills, Montana

Ten years later...

Behind a welcome sign, a Green Hills Sheriff's Department Police car ws sitting idly by the road. Inside the car is a police officer named Tom Wachowski, who was holding a speed velocity gun, trying to find speeding drivers passing through.

But none were in sight.

"Come on, one car?" Tom sighed.

Tom shakes his hand a little from holding the radar gun for too long, and he starts messing around after boredom kicks in, acting like he's trying to catch speeding drivers, only to have the side of his face smacked against the radar gun.

Tom puts it aside afterwards and lets out a sigh, "I'm bored."

"Tom, do you read me?" Wade asks through the radio. "Are you there?"

"No, Wade, I'm actually on a yacht in Barbados," Tom replied in a joking manner. "With Rihanna."

"OMG!" Wade gasped. "That's amazing. Please send pics."

"No, Wade," Tom replied. "I'm at the speed trap."

"Already?" Wade asked. "How did you get back so fast? Barbados is in the ocean!"

"Hang on, I think I got something," Tom takes his radar gun and aims it at... a turtle.

The device beeps and shows the target speed of the turtle is 001.

"Hey, buddy! Where's the fire?" Tom called out to the turtle. "Got kids living around here!"

The turtle doesn't take much notice of Tom's comment... or anything else for that matter and it continues strolling along the road.

Tom smiles, "I thought it was kinda funny. Sorry."

Tom takes his sunglasses off just as a speeding speck of light passes his patrol car and his radar gun beeps, indicating that the target speed is now 296.

"What?" Tom whispered in surprise.

Tom checks the radar gun and the road in front of him, only to see nothing, and the blue speck of light speeds by again, setting off Tom's radar gun and showing him the target speed of 300 this time. As Tom fidgets with the radar gun, thinking it's broken. The entire time he does that, he never notices a playful Sonic peeking from behind the patrol car.

Tom walks out of the police car and walks along the road. He then walks over to a grassy area a few yards away as he notices something blue in amongst the grass. He kneels down and picks it up, inspecting it.

Tom then hears Wade on the radio, sounding serious. "Tom, we need you down on Main Street. There's been a violent gang shoot-out."

As Tom leaves in his patrol car and heads towards the town with his red and blue emergency lights blazing, Wade begins to laugh. "Just kidding. A duck stole a bagel. But they do need it back."

Meanwhile, outside Green Hills Middle School, a girl with curly brown hair is sitting on a bench nearby to the playground.

All the other children are playing or talking. The girl, however, is busy drawing things into her notepad.

"Alex, you coming?" a girl called out. "The teacher is calling us back in."

"I'll be there in a minute," the girl replied, drawing one last thing into her notepad before closing it and following everyone into the classroom.

Little did Alex know that a mysterious blue figure was watching her from the school's rooftop. It was Sonic, and he was watching a lot of different people, like he did every day.

These are my people, and, dare I say, I am their loveable space creature. So what if they don't know I exist?

Sonic's attention turns from Alex to Tom, who is currently doing traffic control while eating a doughnut.

My favourite person is the Donut Lord, protector of this town and defender of all creatures, big and small.

Tom stops a car to let a family of ducks cross the road.

"Good morning," he greeted them. "Donald, Daisy, Daffy."

Donut Lord lives with Pretzel Lady. She is super nice to animals and strangely was born without bones.

Sonic is watching from behind some bushes and trying to replicate the yoga poses that Pretzel Lady is doing, "Ouch, ouch, ouch."

And lastly, there is Curly Tree. She's Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady's kid. She spends a lot of her time in this building with other kids and in the woods, drawing something into her tiny book.

Alex sits on a large rock embedded into the ground as she draws a blackbird in a tree high above. Not too far away from her, Sonic is watching her, a little disappointed he can't see what she's drawing.

There is one person in town who's actually onto me. He calls me the blue devil! Say hello to Crazy Carl. We have fun together.

Movie night is my favourite.

Tom and Maddie are sitting on a sofa with popcorn, while Alex is sitting on the floor, leaning against the front of the sofa with their dog, Ozzy resting upon her lap as she eats her own bowl of popcorn.

Behind them by the window, Sonic slowly rises, his eyes closed and fingers crossed. "Please, please, please, please. Yes! Keanu! You are a national treasure."

"When I find you-"

"Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on the bus."

"Pop quiz, hotshot," Sonic smiled, gesturing a chef's kiss. "It's a classic line."

Basically, we're like a family. Even though we haven't met yet.

You don't zink your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy, perhaps?

Crazy? Me? No way, Doc. You got me all wrong.

And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down... you're still rather lonely? Perhaps afraid you'll be alone forever?

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