ʚɞ Twenty - My aunt is awesome! ʚɞ

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Alex wanted to chase after the agents and stop them from taking her friend away, but she knew she couldn't. She would most likely end up in her dad's same situation.

"Aunt Maddie?" Jojo said.

"Yeah?" Maddie asked, turning to her niece.

"Sonic and his friend dropped this," Jojo replied, handing a yellow rucksack to Maddie.

Maddie was silent for a moment before turning around to face her sister and her daughter, "I have an idea."

"And I want to have a word with my fiancé," Rachel nodded, slightly lifting up the skirt of her wedding dress. "And that word is murder."

Alex grinned slightly, liking this new version of her aunt.


"All clear," Maddie whispered.

The three ran through the hallway quickly, before ducking behind from bushes.

"All right. Game plan," Maddie said. "Alex and I get inside the hotel and find where they're hiding Tom and Sonic."

"Okay. Then I find Randall, right? And then I squeeze the breath from his lying, deceitful, perfectly man-scaped body!" Rachel imagined, sounding very evil. "I'm going through a lot right now. So let me process this my own way, okay?"

"Sure, sure," Maddie nodded.

"No judgment," Alex agreed, though she was kind of scared.

"Should've brought a journal," Rachel mumbled.

"Okay..." Maddie sighed, opening the rucksack that Tails had dropped earlier.

"Okay. Is this meant to be a weapon?" Rachel asked, holding some kind of tiny gun. "This is adorable. Take that, Randall! Run, Randall!"

"All right," Maddie chuckled, slowly taking the gun away from her sister. "We're about to find out."

"All right! Let's go kick some booty," Rachel said.

Alex had to hold back her laughter. She'd never heard her aunt say booty before.

"Stop right there!" a guard pointed at the three.

"Get the bag," Alex said.

Maddie quickly reached into the bag, throwing something at the guard. A shockwave of some kind sent the guard flying into the sky.

"He's gonna come back down, right?" Maddie asked.

Alex shrugged, "I don't know."

"Good luck!" Rachel called up to the guard before continuing to follow his sister and niece.

"Look," Maddie said, ducking behind a bush. She was pointing at a guarded entrance. "Tom and Sonic have to be inside."

"I got a fiancé to vaporize," Rachel reminded them.

"Watch your back, sis," Maddie smiled.

The two sisters did their signature handshake. High fives, then finger guns pointing at each other. Alex then realised how much she was wishing Ashley could be seeing all of this.

"Okay," Rachel said, lifting up her skirt and heading back to the beach. "Randall!"

Maddie lifted Alex over the fence before climbing over herself. The two only took a few steps towards the door when a guard appeared.

They tried heading the other way, but two more guards appeared at the other entrance. They were trapped. Maddie took her daughter's hand, trying to quickly come up with a plan.

"We got them," a guard said into his walkie. "Move in."

But before any of the guards could grab the mother and daughter, a tiny yellow boomerang flew towards them, hitting each of the guards and knocking them out. The boomerang flew back to the person's hand who had thrown it.

Rachel had an amazed smile on her face as the caught the boomerang, "I did not mean to do that!"

"That was awesome!" Alex smiled.

It didn't take the two of them long to get inside the building and find Tom, Sonic and Tails.

"Maddie! Alex!" Tom smiled upon seeing his wife and daughter.

"We're busting out of here," Alex said, stating to try and open Sonic's cage. "I never thought I'd say that. Feels awesome."

"How'd you get past the guards?" Tom asked.

"Because that little fox is into some crazy stuff," Maddie answered as she unlocked Tom's handcuffs. "Come on. Let's go."

"You're amazing, both of you," Tom smiled.


"Sonic. What is that?" Tom asked.

"A big problem," Sonic answered, worriedly. "The compass led Robotnik to The Emerald."

"That's got to be hundreds of miles away," Maddie said.

"All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together," Tom announced.

"There's no time for that," Sonic replied, shaking his head. "I'm the only one that can get there fast enough."

"Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself," Tom tried to talk some sense into the hedgehog.

"You see that little fox over there?" Sonic asked, pointing at Tails, who was still unconscious. "He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed."

Alex looked down at her shoes, remembering everything she'd said that day on the boat. 

"You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it," Sonic said, his voice filled with regret and disappointment in himself. "I'm no hero."

"Sonic, wait," Alex tried.

"No. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me," Sonic replied. "I'm gonna fix this while I still can."

"Sonic, that's not what teams do," Alex replied. "We're in this together. We always have been."

"Not this time," Sonic shook his head before he ran off.

"Sonic!" Alex called out, already knowing that not everything was going to go the way that Sonic wanted it to.

"Sonic, wait!" a tiny voice called out.

Alex turned around to find that Tails had woken up and was trying to chase after Sonic, but instead he fell over, clutching his chest.

"Hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait," Maddie tried to get the fox to stop moving. "Don't move. Don't move."

"Take it easy, little guy," Tom said. "You're hurt."

"But we have to help him," Tails replied. "You don't know what he's up against."

"Alright, I'm calling Ashley," Alex sighed, pulling out her phone.

Tom and Maddie walked over to Commander Walters, who was tied up, because of Rachel and Randall.

"You believe us now?" Tom asked, irritated.

Commander Walters lets out a small sigh before nodding.

"Hello?" Ashley answered the phone.

"Ash, you need to start explaining," Alex began quickly. "I have Tails with me and he and Sonic were talking about this emerald."

"You might wanna put the phone on speaker," Ashley replied. "And get your dad over."

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