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Mara's garage was one of the few institutions in Argon that had managed to grow since Dyson took over. The city administrator claimed that he would not suffer unsatisfactory work in his city. And fortunately for Mara and her workers, they were the best mechanics around. Also, the fighting with rebellion forces had been brutal around Argon, so the occupation needed a place to service their tanks and fighting systems.

Because even though no one talked about it, the rebellion still lived around Argon. Every measure Dyson took to crush them, only gave the programs of Argon another reason to hate the occupation, or to fear it. Either way, the uprising never ran out of fuel, no matter how brutal the battles got. At least, it was that way until recently.

Mara was currently perusing maintenance reports in her office. Or Able's office as she still tended to think of it. She scowled at her reports. The four light choppers that Dyson's guards had turned in were only showing some scarring and minor damage to their thrusters. Whoever had taken a shot at these choppers had been clumsy with their aim. To be fair, that person had been quite busy at the time trying to pilot a damaged light jet.

Mara leaned back in her chair, then then saw the time. Voxels, it was after curfew. She wouldn't be able to go to her apartment this late. She would risk being sent to the games if she did. It was a better idea to just bunk in her office at this point.

She looked beyond her files to see a set of light lines in a dim corner of her office. She jolted to standing, her disc alight in her hand. The figure stepped forward into the light and Mara relaxed, her disc dropping to her side.

"You know, knocking is generally the polite way to enter someone's office" she said sourly. The figure stepped forward and their helmet peeled back to reveal Paige, former Commander in Tesler's army.

Paige smiled crookedly "How will I be able to help you keep your skills sharp unless I surprise you every now and then?" she casually lounged onto one of the chairs in front of the desk. Mara sighed and flipped the files on the light choppers backward so Paige could see them.

"Your shot was a little off. These choppers barely had a scratch" she said, raising an eyebrow critically.

Paige rolled her eyes.

"Never mind the five light jets I managed to derezz before those choppers even got off the ground"

"True, but now I have to fix these things by tomorrow or my whole garage will get investigated"

Paige smirked "Do you want to spend the whole night talking about these choppers, or do you want to hear my news?"

Mara swiped the files away and rested her head on her fist, mirroring Paige's relaxed posture.

"You might as well. What was so important you had to break into my office in the middle of the night?"

"I need Zed's help for a couple cycles"

"You need my head mechanic for a couple CYCLES?" Mara said suspiciously.

Paige leaned forward "I confirmed that there's a supply train of purified energy due inbound from Gallium tomorrow. I plan to lead a raid on the train then use the energy to get the depurposing machine fired back up again"

"You know that CLU left Dyson with software to beat our firewalls. Even if we get the machine up and running we can't firewall anyone to get them into it"

"That's what I need Zed for, he's been working on upgrading the firewall tagger. I want to give his new model a trial run. But it will do us no good if we don't have the depurposer up and running"

Mara nodded, accepting this logic. But then she pressed her pointer finger onto the surface of the desk to emphasize her next question.

"Who would you want to test this new firewall on?"

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