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Threat warnings screamed through Tron's processes. Threat levels higher than anything he'd ever experienced. His processes were blanking out and shooting errors across his vision. He growled and blinked them back. He knew they were in danger. The crumbling roof was more than enough proof of that.

The good news was they were running unchallenged through the command hub. Everyone that would have fought them was cubes behind them.

Beck was running at the front, his grainy memories of the structure their best bet to get out safely. It was going to be close. That empty white energy licked at his heels.

"Faster!" He barked at the group.

They made it to the doorway, several familiar signatures waited outside.

"Get a move on!" Paige called, gesturing for them to get out of the collapsing structure. Able stood beside her, his face looking up at the building with undisguised fear. Mara and Zed were further back, shouting encouragement for them to run faster.

"What's causing this?" Sam Flynn bawled as they shot into the open air of the courtyard. The mechanic and the former soldier joining their group as they plunged into the empty alleys of Purgos.

"Grid here is delicate. Cyrus started a manual reformat. I thought I stopped it. Didn't work" Jet puffed at the other User between hard intakes.


Tron had seen small scale reformats before. Flynn had begun a settlement named Helium out on the corner of the Grid. He was experimenting with a new type of base code. It had crumbled and he had scrapped it entirely. The reformat had been crackling blue light that burned all the structures away and left the pristine dark bed rock of the Grid.

That was merely destruction.

This was something more.

The light behind them rose up into the sky, cutting through the clouds and erasing them as it went. Like a sheer column of pure white energy. But it wasn't even light. It was...blankness, nothingness.

Every bit of Purgos was dissolving, shattering and all they could do was run. He was at the back of the pack. Making sure they didn't lose any of the slower members of their group. Users lost speed with age Alan-One was struggling to maintain the sprint necessary to keep in front of the breakdowns.

Tron's passive sensors pinged danger in an unending torrent. He looked up just in time to see a crumbling mass of rubble crack off one of the many buildings and plummet towards their group.

"Heads down!" He thundered, throwing his disc. He hit the rubble dead on and it shattered into smaller chunks of derezzed cubes. It still rained down on their group, eliciting shouts and raised arms. But no one had to stop.

Thankfully, Tron didn't feel any program signatures aside from their group. It seemed the Mods had done their jobs and evacuated.

Their group popped out onto a broader street.

"Rez cycles! Mount up now!" Beck called from the front of the group. He followed his own advice and dove into the air, his cycle flashing to life beneath him.

They shot through the city, the deletion behind them increasing in speed as it ate through the dense and chaotic structures of what was left of Purgos.

Tron didn't have to tell anyone to speed up. They all pushed their cycles to the absolute limit. Tron stayed at the back, his gaze constantly flicking between the different members of their group. They hadn't lost anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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