The End of Her

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I caught a rabbit early in the morning. I walked what seemed like hours until a still rabbit caught my eye. It was just sitting there in the open. When I accidentally stood on a twig and it snapped, it didn't even move. I sat pondering on the thought that it could be a trap. There hasn't been much action, wouldn't it be funny if the Gamemakers killed me off like that? Inviting me to detonate a mine, disguised as a rabbit? Or for me to foam at the mouth after its meat reaches my stomach? Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. I aimed my knife high and killed it in one shot. 

I walked deeper into the forest until I came to the third ring, away from the Cornucopia. It was a lot of effort, and sweat dripped out of every pore on my merciless journey though the Arena. I drank all my own water, leaving me only with the water bottle that was in my bag but oh God wasn't that rabbit nice. I made sure I wouldn't be caught trying to cook this meal. It would have been slightly funny in a way if I died because of cooking the rabbit, as it took no hunting skills or effort to find it. 

I swear, when I was putting the fire out I thought I saw Lesa in the distance, she didn't approach me though. I don't see how she'd sit and watch me, after she agreed we should kill each other if we ever come in contact again. I assumed it was my mind playing tricks on me so I didn't bother to approach her.

Sitting here against a tree.. Now, I'm going to have to go back to the lake to get more water even if yes, there might be that chance they'll release that gas again. Hopefully this time it would knock me out so I can't feel any knife or anything killing me. I wonder what the last thing I'll think of. My brother and Father? My Mother? Lesa? That's if Lesa isn't the one behind the knife. I get up and try walk back to the centre of the Arena. Less warm, which means less water I'll be losing. I can't run or jog I'll lose all my fluids. It's about 3pm. I'll get there by 9pm if I walk. That'll be okay, maybe 10 if I stop for breaks.

It is a strange feeling knowing there's not many Tributes left. Knowing twenty three other kids went in here never to return is quite scary. Ion is already shipped home I would imagine. Once your body leaves the Arena, The Capitol doesn't care anymore. You were entertainment for those at home and now that you are gone, you serve no purpose. 

The temperature has stayed quite moderate in areas I've covered which makes me start to doubt the ring theory we came up with. Either way, I'm glad for it. I can't handle any freak weather thrown at me or I'll surely die. It would actually be so disheartening for me if I died due to the elements and not by the hands of another. I would rather go down in history for being a favourite and dying from a battle instead of dehydration or exposure.

I would bet that all of District 9 are delighted Lesa and I have made it so far already. Yes, we were using the safety of a group but now that we're alone, I would say our stakes are getting higher and higher in comparison to the other useless Tributes that are hidden somewhere in this habitat. Father would be proud. Even if I don't win, I've shown that the Reynald family is strong and will hold out no matter what. 

I wonder what Claudius Templesmith and Caesar Flickerman are talking about on the show. From past experience, at this point in the Games they'll discuss the odds of each Tribute to win, the biggest events and deaths from this year's show and ultimately what The Capitol are thinking of it all. When a Tribute survives to get to the final eight, they'll interview the families to show the other Districts what is at stake. A life. It is against the rules and law to discuss any other Tribute other than the relative who's competing. The only people who can do that is The Capitol.

Suddenly, a scream comes from the distance, it echoes and the birds flutter away from the trees that perch just above my head. I hold my hatchet in my hand tight. The person screams again, echoing even louder this time. I feel the urge to go over and run towards it, but another part of me knows I shouldn't. I need to see who it is. Cleeara? No. She's probably dying, she wouldn't be hunting for us now. The voice screams yet again, and from where I am, I know it's a girl. They scream out for help, mixed with other screams of fighting. Another scream comes from another person. How many people are involved in this?

The End of Innocence: The 72nd Annual Hunger GamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant